Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This is basically an update so I don't have to send various emails out. Today is going to be a very long day and I don't even have a group in the center. I have to finish looking at the menu for this weekend of 65 or so people, finish making the menu for next week's 45 or so, compare them with the food in the walk in cooler, the massive freezer, the pantry, and my current order for Sysco food supplier. If I need to, I will add some items to my order, and probably place another order on Friday to be delivered on Tuesday. That is all just this morning. I have my one, lonely Czech boy who needs direction in what to do. He is eager to work and I can't keep my focus on one thing long enough to direct him. He probably thinks his manager is one crazy lady. I need to go to Beach Patrol, give them a donation, and ask them to come speak at four of our camps on beach/ocean safety, Open a new bank account, buy buckets, mops, floor cleaner, toilet cleaner, book two groups on the calendar, send out contracts, yada, yada, pick up my other two Czech students in Dover DE and take them into Bethany, get them situated and then crash. Oh there is a lot of little minute things on this list that I have not included. My Mom and Aunt called yesterday and I could not talk, My Dad called a couple days before and I accidently hung up on him but did not call back because I could not talk, I don't even talk to my husband because he is in Virginia doing the same thing as I am, sort of, for his Military troups. My daughter is adjusting, in a way, for she constantly has visitors. She has two right now who have given her the confidence to find her way into Ocean City, find a parking place, and ride the bus all day to various places. My sister arrives tomorrow and we are going to dinner with an old friend of the family, one whose father was the Senior Minister when our father was a young associate, one who counseled us in camp, then performed the beginning of the wedding of the Handsome Prince and I so my father could give me away, who has counseled my children in camp, and with whom I have served side by side as a counselor. I am looking forward to dinner but nervous about him being in my camp. I know his expectations are high and I hope, just hope, that I can meet them.
Nos vemos!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Last Day of School

This is what I did today:

My sister even had a King to add to the decorations.

Monday, June 01, 2009

And These Things Do Please Me Well

  • Difficult situations, handled with tact and grace I didn't know I possesed
  • Dinner with Auntie and Uncle, oh how it pleased me well
  • A new friendship via email
  • Embroidery stitch dreams
  • Sunshine breaks by the pool
  • A plea for help on a homework assignment dealing with the culture of our faith
  • My youngest graduating this week, oh my how this pleases me
  • My Handsome Prince missing my warm body beside him saying the dogs just don't cut it
  • DogfishHead 90 minute IPA's, I just can't help it
  • My new job, with all its challenges and frustations feeds my soul
  • Learning about Delaware and my surroundings
  • A much needed conversation with my sister about nothing and everything

Just a few tidbits that are opening my eyes to beauty in the mundane.