Monday, February 16, 2009


I have a bit of that today. The morning has been quiet, with the exception of the dog constantly barking at the fan in the back of my truck and the sound of My Handsome Prince's pacing. The truck is full because we had a realtor out to look at the house on Friday and a family come look at the house on Saturday after we listed on Craig's list, just to see if there was any interest. We contacted a realtor and listed the house because our youngest, a junior in high school, decided she was done with high school and pursued a fourth year waiver, completely on her own. Which means she is a senior now instead of a junior. Additionally, my Mother underwent a bi-lateral knee replacement. My Handsome Prince spent an evening at the emergency room, thought he passed a kidney stone and recovered, but is now having more issues. Ay! Dios Mio!

But today, MHP is seeing a doctor, My Mother is being released, Audrey is home from school and will do some sorting, decluttering, packing and hanging out and I have my first Math exam today. We will move slowly today instead of the pace we kept last week and we will continue to move forward.

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