Friday, March 12, 2010

A Good Day

I had some things to do across the bridge.  I'm trying to limit the business type trips and change all that stuff to this side.  But a Doctor's appointment was necessary.  So...... I met Emma for lunch
I met Mom and Rachel and 'bino for social knitting, where there was way more socializing being done than knitting
A self portrait

An emergency phone call from Audrey concerning a school project resulting in a meeting to figure some things out.  She is making a Carnival outfit out of totally recycled items, no sewing involved.  Such a clever kid.

On my way home I realized my Dad was in Lansdowne for Lenten dinner and worship, right off the beltway, right on my way home.  So I stopped in.  I got to see my whole fam damily, well except Auntie and Uncle.  Hmmmmm.

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