Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Walking on Sunshine

This makes me incredibly happy these days.  It was Easter weekend with our girls, their boys and their dogs, My Handsome Prince and his cool ride

Other items on the list today
  • The truck being street legal
  • A clean, well stocked kitchen
  • Opening day of the Farmer's Market
  • Glenn, from the CSA, who didn't recognize me at first, called me back and wanted to touch my hair
  • Seeing a friend from DFH while driving with a smile so big and a wave so huge he hung out of the car to do it
  • Coming home to a manicured lawn courtesy of my two wonderful neighbors
  • Izze Clementine soda
  • The promise of watching Glee while knitting mittens from leftover bits of yarn that are turning out so cool
  • Returning to the blogging world


Anonymous said...

Welcome back. I have missed your blogs. Maminka

Texan said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that truck!

I too wondered where you were :O)