Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday, Monday

It's Monday morning. The alarm, or should I say, coffegrinder, went off at 6:20. Later than normal, but still earlier than I had been getting up for a week. Last week we got hit by snow and ice. Schools were cancelled 3 days in a row, classes at the Y were cancelled. We all enjoyed our respite but it's time to get back in gear. Today, we are a bit back to normal, but there is still a holiday for President's Day, so school is out. I have Pilates this morning followed by a Cycle class, followed by PT for my shoulder. It's also time to get back into productive gear. I feel that for quite some time, I've been slacking. Slacking in blogging, good and bad, slacking in my intentions, slacking in my physical fitness, just plain everywhere. I'm not sure exactly where it is coming from but It's. got. to. stop.
So for today:
I will work hard in Pilates
I will teach a sweaty, intense cycle class
I will work on my PT and my posture
I will get my hooking class together
I will provide a dinner on time for everyone to eat
I will plan my next project to finish
I will look at my list for the coming year and determine what I need to do to feel proactive in my own life.


Angie said...

Oh Dana, I could sub a few words on your post, and move it right over to my blog!! LOL Most especially "It'" where my lack of most of the things you listed with the exception of classes to teach and PT......I've been in such a slump due to feeling yucky and I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!!!! ROFL So, you go, girl, and do all of those things for BOTH of us!! :P

weirdbunny said...

wow, so focused !! lol ...