This week starts the Fall Session at the YMCA. School has started. Summer vacation has ended. I always feel a bit melancholy. I love the lazy days (HA!) of summer but also just seem to get much more accomplished, or at least feel I do, when I am on a regular regime. This week starts a new line of classes for me. I will be up to 17 classes a week, plus 6 hours a week in the gym just people watching. My classes are as follows:
Power Ride (spinning/cycle) 5x a week
Women's Health Center 5x
Dog Walking 3x
Strength, Aerobics, & Stability for Seniors 2x
Power Workout (bodysculpting or strenght training) for beginners 2x
Now don't get too excited and say I'm killing myself. I only guide in the Women's Health Center, so it is non participatory for me, we only walk 1 1/2 miles in dog walking (Apple Sunshine can do 2 but that's it), and S.A.S. for Seniors is very light. The greatest workout comes from Power Ride and Power Workout, but even so, I'm still a teacher and guide and often walk around to check form. I would be pushing so much harder as a participant. Speaking of which, I will start attending Pilates 2x a week. I miss it so.
I was half dreading the start of this week. I'm only two days into it, Monday doesn't count, and it seems like it is going to be just fine. Although, I've had to take a short nap today and yesterday. Now, if I could just find time for Black Betty, all would be well.
I want to get in on the dog walking class. Think Delta would be too much?!
I got tired just from reading your schedule. I wonder if I will wake up sore...
Delta would love it!
Dakota would enjoy the Dog walking class..
I would enjoy the weight class, the Pilates,
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