Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Today I came home and all I wanted was a good, long nap. The dogs barked, I did not get it.

Sometimes when you do something out of your ordinary realm of activities it wears you down. Our trips to Hopkins always do it to me. Let me start by revealing the good news of another 3 months. No change of activity in the lungs, a slight growth in the leg, looking benign in nature, nothing to worry about for 3 months. Yes! All is good.

But, our day started a bit worrisome. A week ago Friday, My Handsome Prince and I were swimming in our pool. And just like that, he thought he broke something in his leg, a connection, the prosthesis, not sure, but movement was almost impossible. He didn't sleep, I didn't sleep. We were supposed to attend a picnic but were preparing ourselves for a trip to Baltimore from the shore. I found some crutches, he found some meds, and a happy medium was found. He spent the week on crutches, everyday feeling a little bit better. We were on pins and needles concerning todays visist, not because of cancer, but reconstructive surgery was definitely not on our agenda. And now it is definitely not. No answer for the pain he felt, but his leg was looked at microscopically. His Dr. asked "Are you going to wean yourself off the crutches?" They got thrown in the back of the pick up.

I think all the stress from the week, worrying about my man, 16 people (including us) at our shore home, the fact that I procrastinated registering for Fall classes until Monday, had me exhausted and needing a nap.

Tomorrow is a new day. My plans? Pilates, cycle, a walk with my puppy, some easy gardening, some laundry, some stitching, a movie, and...you guessed it, a nap.


calicodaisy said...

Wow! Big things. I woke up crying this morning. I miss my son. This is the first time in 14 years that he hasn't gotten ready for school on the first day (pre-K through 12). I know he's safe at college where he is supposed to be, but my daily mom time is all done. I'm trying not to call or text him ...

Texan said...

PaYour dress turned out lovely!!! Good job girly..

I am glad things went well on the 3month check up :O)... sorry to hear about the leg scare!

Your ahead of me on the school, I have till the 26th to make my final decision... I am considering one class maybe... I am not sure if I will or not... I found school to be a positive and a negative thing for me... just not sure at all what to do!

I have picked up running and am enjoying that beyond what I thought I would... what I would like to do I think rather than going back to conventional school, is get certified as a Yoga instructor ... well that would involve a lot of driving for me back and forth to Dallas about an hour plus each way and who knew that was so unbelievably expensive! I found two programs in Dallas, 3 month or 6 month both quite expensive to do... not sure what I will do as of yet :O)...however if I do this I have a place that has asked me to teach so I would be able to use it right away :O)

But nice to have so many options :O)...