Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I Give Thee Thanks

My Handsome Prince and another year of clean scans

Cute Puppies

Walks in the woods, on the beach, and in the neighborhood

Evidence of mixed families

Precious baby girls

Dogfish Head and being a local


And games

A clean slate and the ability to make decisions

For Inspiration in unexptected places

Smiling, serving, selfless soldiers

For unexpected delights

A cup o' joe

Puppy love

My incredible, inspiring, growing daughters
Friends, new and old
A community of people
Gracious family hosts and guests
The bond of Sisters
The worry of Mothers
The experiences of music
And for much more, I give Thee Thanks.


Deon said...

Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you.

Texan said...

OH congratulations to your Handsome Prince on a year of good scans!!! and to you as well because I know what affects us does them and vise versa :O)...

Anonymous said...

You are so good and I am so fortunate.