Okay, I must admit it, I am proud of myself. Today was the beginning of week 3 of exercising. I joined a new gym and their New Year's challenge. It took me two weeks before I was motivated enough to really attempt anything. My routine consists of 3 days strength training, Zumba whenever I can (usually 2x a week), other cardio, and yoga 1 day a week. I feel better, have more energy and knit faster ;-) Sometimes it's all I can do to leave the house but once I am at the gym, I am ready, I am able, and I do it. I tried something new today with the TRX system they have and really liked it. I will continue to incorporate new things, hope to meet new people. and hope to change my body even though our first weigh was quite disappointing. I guess it was that beer the night before - Mojo Risin'. That's not going to change.