Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wardrobe Refashion
Show and Tell
A purse knit by my Aunt. Don't you just love the colors?

Sunday, May 27, 2007
"It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this"
My Uncle was the speaker today, the subject being Lincoln's Words in His Time and Ours. He spoke of the first official Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetary, with the house enshrouded in black, flowers placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers. He recited the Gettysburg address, and recited this quote "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations." Speaking of the relevance of this statement to today as much as then. He spoke of history not being that long ago, despite the perception of it being ages ago, especially to youth. He spoke of Lincoln, the man, his humility, and his faith though he never joined a church. I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was the first time that I heard my Uncle speak in person (I've seen him on TV). I sat with my Aunt who sang very softly, but when she did, reminded me of my Grandmother. My Sister and her husband behind me, with Carl, who sometime in the service snuck out to be the acolyte. We could see him behind a flag and My Dad whispering to him. I loved it.
After Lincoln's words, the Auxilary to the Sons of Union Veteran of the Civil War read the actual declaration made by General John Logan, spoke of the ritual of the vacant chair and sang a song. They were dressed in white with red/white and blue sashes. Then the VFW post, who has been participating in this service for 87 years, made their presentations to the alter. Very official with their salute at the end of each presentation, with a few whispers as to order. A beautiful song "Sleep Soldier Boy" sung by a friend, once again, a first for me to hear her, and lastly taps at the back of the sanctuary, with the door open, for the neighborhood to hear as well.
It was only the second time I can remember ever truly memoralizing for Memorial Day. The other time was with Girl Scouts. Typically we view it as a day off school, work, time for cookouts, or various sales at retail places. Something to think about.
I was unable to stay for conversation, lunch, and music much to my disappointment. But I had to divide my time and attend the picnic at my congregation.
A good day.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
And These Things Do Please Me Well

Songs shuffling on my ipod in the kitchen.
Good, old fashioned potato salad.
1234 cake.
My sister called with one word "Nocturnica". Grace Potter and the Nocturnals appeared last night at the 8x10 (I didn't go). In honor, I share this video. I still haven't found myself but the person videoing had to have been right, smack dab behind me. She's freakin' rockin'!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Clean Plate Club

Food for thought
Sandwiches are beautiful
Sandwiches are fine
I like sandwiches, I eat them all the time
I eat them for my supper and I eat them for my lunch
If I had a hundred sandwiches, I'd eat them all at once!
(this is sung very dramatically, with a huge finish!)
I promptly went out and bought one of RR 30 Minute Meal books and we are having sammys for dinnner, complete with song, and a lovely strawberry and lettuce salad (lettuce that I'm attempting to grow). Just the thought makes me smile.
PS My aunt and uncle remember this tape, but the song they sing is "The cat came back, the very next day..."
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
State of Affairs
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
Cheers! Black and tans on the deck.
And something to make you laugh.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Separated at birth?

This is Sam
These are My People
Grandma and her granddaughters and great grandchildren.
Uncle Dick and Sammajamma. Uncle Dick is a true Papa, loving, funny, tender

This is the hysterical. Can you see the genuine laughter on their faces?
Emma and Maddy. I could just eat her up!

Sisters caught in a not so unusual, silly act.
Sam saying his abosolute, favorite word in the whole world!
Cousins in conversation. I'm missing a photo of my cousin John. He was in a couple but they were not good. Sorry John. I think that is everyone.
When we got home, Rachel and I met our Mom and Aunt at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. Here are the ladies. Aren't they cute?
We had a good trip. It ranged from hysterically funny to sad. We got lost, took many wrong turns, and exits, while the kids asked "Do you know where we are? Did we take another wrong turn? When are we going to be there?" They were so patient, flying, delays, driving, visiting. They were also obnoxious, making us laugh with their silliness. We visited with our Grandma, our Uncle and Aunt, and had a gathering at our hotel with all who could come. At one point, Uncle Dick stated that this was not right, that Christine should be there. It wasn't right. She should be there with the cousins and her children. It was a moment of unsureness. Did we do the right thing? Was it too soon? Or will there never be a good time, when the two daughters of his brother visit, the gathering of family, bringing with them the reality of loss. So hard. But we told stories of life now and life as kids. We heard of Christine's magic show at a birthday party of John's that we did not know about. After everyone left, Rachel and I cleaning up, we embraced and cried, about family differences yet the importance that we all felt of being together, loss, stories told, our Grandma and her force of connecting us and concluded it was a good trip. Our children saw and heard of their family they know little of and know of the goodness of family, immediate, and distant. And when home, met up with the ladies who have influenced us to be the perfect travelling companions for each other, to laugh with and at each other, to be sisters. And that my friends, was our trip.