Grandma and her granddaughters and great grandchildren.
Uncle Dick and Sammajamma. Uncle Dick is a true Papa, loving, funny, tender

This is the hysterical. Can you see the genuine laughter on their faces?
Emma and Maddy. I could just eat her up!

Sisters caught in a not so unusual, silly act.
Sam saying his abosolute, favorite word in the whole world!
Cousins in conversation. I'm missing a photo of my cousin John. He was in a couple but they were not good. Sorry John. I think that is everyone.
When we got home, Rachel and I met our Mom and Aunt at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. Here are the ladies. Aren't they cute?
We had a good trip. It ranged from hysterically funny to sad. We got lost, took many wrong turns, and exits, while the kids asked "Do you know where we are? Did we take another wrong turn? When are we going to be there?" They were so patient, flying, delays, driving, visiting. They were also obnoxious, making us laugh with their silliness. We visited with our Grandma, our Uncle and Aunt, and had a gathering at our hotel with all who could come. At one point, Uncle Dick stated that this was not right, that Christine should be there. It wasn't right. She should be there with the cousins and her children. It was a moment of unsureness. Did we do the right thing? Was it too soon? Or will there never be a good time, when the two daughters of his brother visit, the gathering of family, bringing with them the reality of loss. So hard. But we told stories of life now and life as kids. We heard of Christine's magic show at a birthday party of John's that we did not know about. After everyone left, Rachel and I cleaning up, we embraced and cried, about family differences yet the importance that we all felt of being together, loss, stories told, our Grandma and her force of connecting us and concluded it was a good trip. Our children saw and heard of their family they know little of and know of the goodness of family, immediate, and distant. And when home, met up with the ladies who have influenced us to be the perfect travelling companions for each other, to laugh with and at each other, to be sisters. And that my friends, was our trip.
To be with all of your family, how wonderful !!!
i think we looked hilarous !!!!
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