The knowledge of who received my love rug and love it, say it even smells good (patchouli).
Good cycle classes even though there were primarily two of us all week.
Pilates - I love Laura!
Time well spent organizing my studio and calling it a studio.
A wonderful choral concert.
Reconnecting with an old friend, whose influences on me and my children were important.
Songs shuffling on my ipod in the kitchen.
Good, old fashioned potato salad.
1234 cake.
My sister called with one word "Nocturnica". Grace Potter and the Nocturnals appeared last night at the 8x10 (I didn't go). In honor, I share this video. I still haven't found myself but the person videoing had to have been right, smack dab behind me. She's freakin' rockin'!http://www.gracepotter.com/2006/12/video-treat-me-right-live-at-8x10.html
Songs shuffling on my ipod in the kitchen.
Good, old fashioned potato salad.
1234 cake.
My sister called with one word "Nocturnica". Grace Potter and the Nocturnals appeared last night at the 8x10 (I didn't go). In honor, I share this video. I still haven't found myself but the person videoing had to have been right, smack dab behind me. She's freakin' rockin'!http://www.gracepotter.com/2006/12/video-treat-me-right-live-at-8x10.html
Joseph and the Amazing Techinicolor Dreamcoat. The cast, the crew, the dreamer, the artists, the band, the hairy Ishmaelites, and especially the Narrator and Nephtali, but really everyone involved in this wonderful production. It was an incredible show.