Audrey has a friend in school whose parents are Mexican and Guatemalan. We've met them a couple times, conversed with them, made driving arrangements, all the things you do when your children are friends. We took it a step further when I asked the Mom if she cooked American or Mexican and I expressed an interest in learning to cook authentic Mexican food. No Old El Paso for me! She was very excited about this! We basically invited ourselves over on Sunday and oh! are we glad we did! We arrived bearing two bottles of wine and a small hostess gift of a knitted dishcloth (done by yours truly) and a tea towel with yo yo's long the bottom edge (also done by yours truly). We feasted on civechi on tostadas, fresh tortillas with queso fresco, fresh salsa, frijoles con chorizo, red rice (that's what their youngest daughter called it), and chicken on the grill. It was not quite the cooking lesson I expected as she had done the cooking. I did learn to make my own tortillas and didn't do so bad. I learned her recipe for civechi. The conversation was easy, the food excellent, the hospitality most generous. We were sent home with a jar of salsa, canned peppers, civechi, tostadas, and their youngest put together goody bags of tamarind candy. Once home, My Handsome Prince promptly ordered my a cast iron tortilla maker. The next day the husband/father called to thank us for coming to his home. We are making plans to get together again. So much to learn from other cultures, not only about them, but about your own.
My tortilla maker came yesterday. Guess what I did today? I made huevos con chorizo, 4 tortillas, queso fresca, fresh tomatoes. Mmmmmmm. I also called them to tell them what I did. He laughed. I think it pleased them, I know it did me.

ok a cast iron tortilla maker,,, first off I love love cast iron cookware of any kind,, I use the pieces I have all the time,,, I think I might need one of those tortilla makers,,, well that would be if I had the recipe for making those tortillas to go with it!
and tea towels with yoyos on the bottom! yep I am seeing my new little heart yoyos on tea towels now! thanks for the idea!
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