The bottle opener flip flop in action. He was never without his shoes or he felt the wrath of others.

A snooze in the hammock.

A sick puppy who saved the trip by making the madatory emergency room visit. Many were worried was it going to be them. She's feeling fine now, but camping in the heat at the beach is not for her.

Camping cousins having fun, being silly, following the path of their Mothers.

Smokin ' and drinkin'. Well, actually eating cookies and I was drinking. The girls only smoke cuban cigars in the Caymans.

Happy camper or is she just sleep deprived?

Dirty feet, although not as dirty as the year we tattooed our legs with magic markers, rain, and dirty sand. We looked diseased. That was the same year we had a tarp over the fire to keep it going and of course stood underneath it to stay dry. When we went into town to Dairy Queen, people sniffed the air and said "What's that funky smell?"

Path to the beach.

A Happy camper despite her sunburn, and her medication that makes her susceptible to sunburn, and her Mother nagging about sunscreen. What an angel.

Geocaching was a hit until they went into the salt path and were consumed by mosquitos. Now we all want GPS systems.

Silly sisters.

Time to make the donuts! We cooked 90% of our meals over the open fire. Our friends Brian and Roto are the masters of cooking over the fire, although my sister is right there with them. She made the donuts. We made ribs, fajitas, a mean meatloaf, breakfast casserole, cinnamon rolls, blueberry coffee cake (muffins), sausage, peppers, and potato bake, bacon, scrapple, eggs, pancakes. No trip is complete without pork products on the grill. All absolultely heavenly.

The Dog Beach, officially known as Herring Point. We once sent Brian on a wild goose chase actually looking for The Dog Beach. We never paid attention to the official name. Our bad.
More happy campers, some happy just in the solitude of reading and relaxing.

These people border on glamping. Brian and Roto always have all the accesories and fun toys. We had campsites that backed up to one another. We had two pop-ups, 1 tent, 3 hammocks, one screen tent and plenty or room. Poor sister had site 19 which was in full sun and deadly. Never stay on site 19, we know that now.
As always we made a shoppy shoppy trip into town, a couple visits to DQ, a bike ride, Brian and MHP were the only brave ones to kayak in the heat and full sun (my heros). I did not climb the observation tower for the seocond year in a row, what's up with that? The saying for the week was anytime anyone said "I'm thinking about..." the response was "I'm thinking about my doorbell, when ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it?" Anyone a Jack White/White Stripes fan? We had many tired, hot, cranky, campers who had not been home in a couple weeks going from camp to camping. We had other tired, hot, cranky (me) campers. Every year it is a battle to find time for this trip, a weather situation to deal with, yet we find humor, fun, grace, acceptance, and love in the end. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
1 comment:
Your camping trip looks amazing fun. We've got a new tent this year. I can't believe you cooked donut nuts over an open fire, that's so cool. We tend not to have trouble in Britain about camping spots that are in direct sun !! It's more a case of getting one that's not in direct wind!
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