any small, pleasing picture or view.
A short scene or incident, as from a movie.
To describe in a brief way.
We had all gathered for the last concert on the patio at Lansdowne Christian Church, my father's church. The Nitty Gritty Church band was playing, who are from Christian Temple, the church my Mom, sister and I attend. It was, as usual, a festive, animated crowd, and when the concert ended, no one wanted to leave.
Mom had her spinal fusion surgery on the following Tuesday. She spent an agonizing week at the hospital. It was not quite what she expected, the nursing staff was lacking, and the recovery was slow. Upon release, she spent two weeks with Auntie and Uncle in West Virginia in the throws of luxury and pampering. Each time I visited, I was amazed at her progress. I know the love and care she received from her sister and her husband were the key. She is now home, adjusting to life alone, well, with a cat (who is delighted to have her home) and receiving many visitors and tons of food.
A late September trip to the beach. We almost always go in September to Ocean City, when the crowds are smaller. This year, we went to Bethany Beach instead, staying on the Military post. We did all the usually beachy things, sunbathe, swim, walk, look for shells. We walked the boardwalk, shopped the shoppy shops, had dinner at Mangos. We had wonderful sunny weather, a bit of rain, and wind.

Home life:

Things I've made:

Two more girl hats to make and one boy, plus a hat for my masseuse.
A story to share:
Gus is aging. He is constantly thirsty and constantly urinating so constantly needing to go outside or have his water dish filled. He has been checked and is fine, just aging. Anyway, My Handsome Prince wakes in the middle of the night, because he is aging too, and needs to use the bathroom. He comes back to bed and immediately falls back asleep, and I know this from a little tell tale breathing pattern that we won't talk about. All of this wakes me. I hear Gus pacing in the kitchen and panting so loud I wonder why no one else is awake. I get up, give him some water, go back to bed. Still I hear panting. So, I get up again, let him out and he stands so long with his leg up he almost falls over. Comes back in, I go back to bed, yes, still, panting. More water finally does the trick. He comes into our room, leans against the bed and lies down. Meanwhile, through all this, My Handsome Prince is still sleeping, making his own breathing noise. I am fuming. Why didn't he hear or pay attention when he got up? Why me? I truly hate to get up at night. Anyway, I get back in bed, way over on my side, on the very edge, so much so that I could fall out, with my back to the MHP. In the morning, not mad, but wanting to bring the situation to light, I told him this story. When I got to the part about sleeping on the edge, he promptly says "Well, that'll teach me, won't it?" I nearly snorted my coffee out my nose. We love to laugh.

Back to the bike, biker gurl.... good for you.
; )
Love the pics of you and your family. I can feel the love oozing out of them and it makes me feel like the world is full of hope and happiness.
I'm sending gentle hugs to mom post surgery.
runner gurl
The BK King is creepy no doubt about it! Who on earth thought that up?
My DH an I have a little 4" stuffed Gorilla that turns up everywhere! Such fun we have hiding him for the other to find! It does give you a giggle and a very warm feeling when you find him :O)....
Hope your moms recovery continues to go well and without any surprises!
Had to laugh about The King. Isn't he just the grossest?!
We have a computerized chip that came in a box of cereal probably 10 years ago that says a Halloweeny ooo-OOOO-oooo. It gets hidden everywhere with 2 of my 3 girls and ends up in the funniest places. Right now it lived in the glove box of my car! lol
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