This past weekend was the last performance of the NGCB, a casual performance on the lawn on Saturday and a more formal performance in church on Sunday. When they sang "It is Well with my Soul" I cried (okay I cried through the whole thing) but this is what touched me. Despite my hurt feelings, despite my challenges, despite my fear and excitement, despite the internal fusses I have with certain things and certain people, it is well with my soul.
We went to a lovely, mature, back yard wedding of my sister in law to the man she has been engaged to for 2 years. They have a connection that is evident. It was a beautiful day, a small ceremony with only family, and just perfect. We went to a farewell party in our honor, where it poured buckets, and yet, it did not hold anyone back and we had a grand time. We said goodbye to my niece who left for China for 8 weeks.
Now, I slowly get ready for my week in my other home, my job, alone. I will miss prom and it's primpings. It makes me sad. I have a women's retreat that weekend to which I will play host and manage staff and cook and clean and delegate and run interference.
Yes, it is well with my soul.
And this is just because it makes me happy.