Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bits and Pieces

With my new job, I get a staff of three students from the Czech republic. I can't wait to meet them. Today I sent them a note regarding music, how I was making them a cd of my favorites and should they be so inclined, I would be estatic to receive the same. One of them loved the idea. I'm not sure of the knowledge of the english language of the other two. How cool is that? Que buena honda? and now I must learn that phrase in Czech.

My youngest daughter graduates at the age of 16. She is so freakin' smart. Here is her Senior Portrait, taken by Fine Portraiture by Michelle in Taneytown MD. I think Michele does an amazing job
In my Algebra class, I sit next to a young girl who was in my class last year. Two young guys sit behind us. All three of these students are younger than my oldest daughter. After class one day, after the 4 of us had contributed to the class, in humor and academics, it occurred to me how did the 4 not quite the norm, a bit obnoxious, studious, fun people all end up in the same area. The rest of our class is quiete reserved. I think there is chemistry that draws us together. We even had a brief conversation on it.
I'm losing my sanity. Between living in two houses, working two jobs, and finishing school, I find myself forgetting basic things, like wearing a bra or brushing my teeth or my notebooks for school. This too shall pass.


Deon said...

Gorgeous photo - makes me teary. What new job? And, don't forget the bra. Seriously. Ha.

mama chelly said...

Just keep a pack of gum in your car and don't burst into spontaneous jumping jacks.
You'll be fine.
Yeah, this will pass, then something else will come up...such is life. All these things keep it exciting, memorable and makes us chuckle at inappropriate moments.
Hang in there.

Mom said...

Some day you will look back on these days and smile and wonder how you did it. Stay in there and be the smart wonderful person you are.