That a ride is the perfect time to contemplate world peace, the next project and what's for dinner
That weeds can be beautiful

That what comes down must go up
That hills never get any easier despite the bike and years of experience
That red winged blackbirds and goldfinches abound
That I like solitude
That there is no such thing as silence
That it can be a spiritual experience
Your bike riding sounds wonderful! I'm wishing I were there riding with you. :) My bike has been in the basement so long the tires have dryrotted. LOL May be time to pull that antique puppy out of there, take her for a 'tune-up', and get back in the saddle, so to speak. :D Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Red-winged blackbirds are my VERY favorite.
Your wisdom is beautiful. I appreciate both the thoughtful writing and the truth of your sentiments.
Dana, I was just browsing past entries and found this one. It is lovely. It made me think of the last paragraph of I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb is it? Your observations have the same accute awareness and the same power to move. You are quit a remarkable writer and I am so proud.
oh, so lovely, so thoughtful. thank you so much for posting this.
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