Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Summer Cold
Monday, August 28, 2006
Since My Last Post...
- Audrey's had a job interview at the library
- Audrey got a paper route - 1 day a week
- Had a back to school party for 15 freshman (Audrey's friends)
- Floated down the Gunpowder in an innertube with 20 other people - a defininte do over!
- Spoken to Emma several times and listened to her ups and downs - I operate by the no news is good news theory, yet am always anxious to receive a call or e-mail from her.
- Audrey started high school this morning!
- Had crabs, again! Yummm.
- State Fair today - I did not enter my rug as entry day was packing and moving day. I'll save it for next year.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
On another note, this is very exciting. She is doing something neither MHP nor I ever did. She called later to see how her sister's "date" went and also told me she will apply for the overseas study that happens during spring break. That's a good thing. She didn't want to talk long. The three of us left at home went for a swim (we are pool sitting again, along with chicken and goat sitting), and watched a movie "The World's Fastest Indian" . New dynamics for our family.
Emma and her roommate are "thoulmates" , as they would say. They have the same major, a little sister, and came with the same pillow, and color scheme. I hope these discoveries continue on a deeper level. It is all good.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
A Maryland Farewell

Three girls, different schools, different communities, same church, growing up together. One off to California, one to Kentucky, and one to Virginia.

A Serenade by one of the Father's and Grandfather of "Susannah's a Funny Old Man". I think this was before too much wine/beer was imbibed.

The girl's table. The other two, Audrey and Sam are buddies just like the three. We'll be doing this again before we know it!

The Moms.

The spirit of one of the Dads, evident in a quilt made by two of the Moms.

The Last at the table.
And life goes on. We have done our jobs as families, parents, siblings, friends, and a community of faith to send these girls off into another phase of their lives. Life is good.
Another Girl's Day Out

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Girl's Day
What I'm listening to:

I splurged today and bought Bruce Springsteen, We Shall Overcome, The Seeger Sessions. Some powerful music. I've only listenend to it about 3 times so far, with distractions. I look forward to putting it in the car. This was recorded live in only 3 sessions without rehearsals. Amazing! I remember listening to Pete Seeger when I was a young girl. I also remember a trip to Chicago with my Dad and seeing Pete, sitting on the ground with a few people. I want to remember that he was strumming but I know he was not. My Dad spoke to him and told him we enjoy his music. I distinctly remember Pete Seeger saying thank you. That's my famous siting, as my family likes to play.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Michael McDonald/Steely Dan

We went to see this combination last night at Nissan Pavillion. This was my birthday present to My Handsome Prince. He had never seen Steely Dan (his absolute favorite!), and has been enjoying Michael McDonald's motown cd. It was a perfect evening. The weather was beautiful, the crowd was fun, and the music was good. I have never been a SD fan and MM is okay. What was fun was hearing the excitement in the Prince's voice every time he called me during the day. He was looking forward to this, it was his night. I'm so glad we went and I have a new appreciation for Steely Dan. Earlier today, I buzzed him on the walkie talkie and confessed that I actually turned the volume up on the radio when a Steely Dan song came on. He laughed.
Steely Dan has a sound all their own. I have no particular reason not to like them but just never enjoyed their sound enough to buy cd's, although I always bought them for the handsome one. I love to listen and watch live music and this was no disappointment. Their music is complex, a jazz/rock style with an almost easy listening feel to it, yet it is not along those soft easy listening lines. I also find SD to be master of misunderstood song lyrics (check out this link - a great NPR Driveway Moment). I have NEVER been able to figure out what they said in most of their songs. I also did not know that Michael McDonald was part of the group for a bit and even sang lead, which once you pay attention, it's a slap on the head moment. Donald Fagen has an interesting lean to him, in that he leans to one side whether standing or sitting, when he sings. He also has this piano type thing that he blows to play, hmmm, verrrry intersting. Walter Becker shows abosolutely no emotion while playing his guitar. He does have a slight head bob and groove to his body. When he really got into it, their was the slightest lip quiver. I love it!
This was a big venue, which we do not do very often. We had great seats but still had to rely on the big screens to see any detail. I did find it humorous that it was a concert with the oldest crowd I have ever seen. Every other performance we have been to has always been a mix. This was the middle age crowd. Last year, when we went to see Little Feat at Bottle and Cork in Dewey Beach, the early crowd was older but once 11:00 hit, the young, partying gang came in (and they had no idea who Little Feat was!). Once again, it was such a lovely evening. I promptly fell asleep on the way home. Poor prince. Late night, motion of the car, snooze.
We have tickets to Hot August Blues, Susan Tedeschi/Derek Trucks Band, and buying tickets to Grace Potter and the Nocturnals/Wood Brothers.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Emma's got a sweet tat!
Work Trip Sunday

Anyone who tells you, you can't make a difference, is wrong. Today was Work Trip Sunday, where various groups from the church lead the worship service. The youngest to work this summer was 4 and the oldest around 70 (I think). We sent out 4 groups to locations such as rural Maryland, New Orleans LA, Texas, Lake Charles LA and Lynchburg VA. The work varied. Middle school age kids planted an acre of pumpkins and cleared an acre of rocks and picked an acre of collard greens and picked another acre of Kale. High school kids demolished homes. Garbed in full paper suits over clothes, hard hats, respirator masks, they worked in 90 degree weather, and stopped in the middle of a task to listen to the stories the residents had to tell of their home. Intergenerational forces worked at a camp for underpriveledged youth, mulching, planting, painting. Ask any one of these people or the people they served if a difference was made and they would say yes. It was evident in the stories told, the photos on the screen, tears shed, and humor. Emma's rendition of "Bridge Over Troubled Water" while photos of New Orleans, Lynchburg, and Maryland were shown, did not leave a dry eye and left us with a feeling of hope and renewal. I did not participate in these trips, but my children did going to the farm in Maryland and to New Orleans. I will be Responding to the Call on 9/11. What will you do?
BTW, their T-shirts say "Ask me how I spent my summer vacation" On the back it says "Building our ministry beyond the threshold" Christian Temple work trips 2006, Getting Dirty For Jesus and then lists the various work trips, groups and places.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Family photo

BTW, from left to right, the Prince, Audrey, Emma in a floppy hat, and Me.
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006
It's a tough job...
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Small, Loud and Bossy!
Audrey and friend wanted to have a picnic today at Christmas Tree Park. They were celebrating the birthday of another friend. They made a card, sandwiches, found the picnic basket while I dug out the linen tablecloth and cloth napkins. They were having a bonafide picnic! We picked the young man up and went to the park. They walked around, played on the slides, and other equipment. I found a nice bench swing in the shade and had an absolutely lovely afternoon, reading the latest James Lee Burke novel. Twenty years ago, when My Handsome Prince and I first moved to the area, I used to go to Christmas Tree Park after work. It was when he was on 3-11 shift. Tuffy the Wonder pup and I would go, she would wander around and I would sit on the bench swing and read. It's a nice park, full of pine trees and typically about 5 degrees cooler. There are the usual park amenities, tennis courts, sand pit for volley ball, slides, swings, and one of those things that goes round and round and usually someone either throws up or gets hurt. They're great!
I am thankful that 90% of my time as a parent has been in the stay at home capacity. I had and still have the freedom to do these things with my kids. Today, I witnessed a grouchy Grandpa with his grandkids, calling the middle boy a sissy and just not pleasant to these kids. What was the point? They weren't doing anything that wasn't childlike. I guess it's the heat, brings out the worst sometimes. But he made a point of telling me that his daughter, their mother, doesn't do anything and he's caregiver 24/7 and it pisses him off! TMI. I also witnessed a daycare group, tired, hot, but on the go, doing things to keep them active and not bored. I am thankful, especially, when the kids I picked up today and yesterday, enter the car, with thank yous and I love yous. I have always been the transporter, the one who gets called from school because an instrument has been left at home and parents can't get it or picked up from work because they can't reach their parents. I'm thankful I am trusted by these kids.
Audrey apologized today for staying at the park so long and me having to pick everyone up. I told her exactly what I have written. It's been a delight!
One more thing, we had a ball at my sister's yesteday. It was especially funny once her husband got home. We all piled up in a small boat, 6 of us, 3 kids, 3 adults. We were laughing so hard! That along with the crazy boat/float races. It's always a hoot going over there!