I don't think Emma will like this photo much. I think it's cute. It caught her off guard. Well, it's officially over. My daughter has graduated high school. Whew! It is such a blur, too. So I thought I'd recapture it in a post.
The ceremonies started with a Farewell Assembly at school during the day. A letter went home with the students stating that the daytime awards assembly was for students only and another was being held in the evening for parents to attend. Don't believe that! Emma received ALL her awards during the day. She and her boyfriend were congratulated by another student on being the names most called up! Yup, I'm going to brag! She won awards for being on the honor roll all 16 marking periods of high school, for being in chorus 3 years, treble choir 4 years, chamber singers 3 years, and Ensemble 3 years, she won an award for best actress, and exemplary service. I think that's it, but there could have been more. I'm just sorry I did not attend especially since I was home cleaning. Ugh! We did attend the evening service in which all community awards were announced. Since E did not apply for any, she did not get any. It was a joy, though, to see these students, all grown up and the adults they have almost become, the things that have caught them, and the things they have achieved. Congratulations, class of 2006, you are awesome!
Saturday was Graduation. We had prime seats, 4th row, yes! It was short and sweet, approximately 1 1/2 hours. The speaches made by class president, NHS representative, and the guest speaker were good. The guest speaker turned out to be the drama teacher, who is quite a hoot anyway! She is a lovely and sincere person. She spoke of 5 life lessons:
1. Forgive
2. Don't lie
3. Marry once
4. Don't be afraid
5. Love your parents
Here examples were simple and sweet. I truly enjoyed it. And...I did not shed a tear. I don't know who reads this other than a few blog friends, I don't know what their family situations are, children, etc. so I don't know how they feel when something like this happens. I just was overjoyed at seeing 400 kids, caps and gowns, knowing and watching quite a few of them grow up. It's that being part of something bigger than you. Emma and I have talked about it, being part of something, achieving something as part of a group, as an individual, all of it. I think it is a meaningful experience and she does too.
Party time, afterwards! Who knows how many people were here! It was a bunch! Food, beautiful weather, drinks, kids from different walks of life having fun together, adults, too. I was very involved in being a hostess so did not socialize much or take many photos. I had to decide which to do, and I opted for hostess. I'm glad I did. The party was for the girls, as Audrey finished middle school too and is on to high school. They had a wonderful time! The last ones left at 8 in the morning. Three boys spent the night. I asked how did I end up with stinky boys?! I woke them in the morning, saying "Good Morning, Sunshines, it's time to get up and leave for church." The next thing I knew, they were gone.
Sundays church service involved the 8 Seniors who graduated. Five of the eight wore their cap and gown. They each had a leadership part in the service. The Nitty Gritty Church Band played, which is always my favorite music in church, especially when my Handsome Prince sings. They sang "Turn, turn, turn" and "Will the Circle Be Unbroken". Well, the youth sang that last one with them and that's when I lost it. It was just that moment, realizing the potential of the youth, the support of the church, the incredible faith journey already undertaken and about to be taken, and the circle, being unbroken. Wow! Our friend and minister said "Way to go, Dana! I held it all together till I saw you!" Glad I'm not the only one.
Then you already know about the dessert. I have to admit, I thought it was going to be a blubbery affair. It was wonderful! Everyone kept it together. Another being part of something larger than yourself, and knowing it. I was the one to say a few words and pretty much kept to my tribute. My Handsome Prince was amazed at my public speaking. I, quite frankly, was too. I guess it has to be something you truly feel strongly about.
That's it. Today it's back to coercing the girls to clean, teaching mega fitness classes, dealing with MHP absence for a while, helping my sister (I've missed it the past week or so!) and the usual daily grind. But right now, it's pretty grand.
My daugher graduated from high school last year. Her whole senior year I teared up at the mention of graduation but at the actual ceremony, like you, not a tear shed. Now we won't talk about the going away to college part. I cried enough tears to make up for graduation 10 times.
Great post Honey.
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