Saturday, January 27, 2007

Car Talk

For many years, I don't even know how many, My Handsome Prince and I have gotten up just before 8 on Saturday morning, made coffee and sat down to listen to Car Talk. It is our ritual, our connecting time, our relaxation. We don't always listen, sometimes we talk, we browse through magazines, we plan, but we always sit together on the sofa with Car Talk on the radio. It is very important time together. We usually catch something that makes us laugh, try our mind at the puzzler, plan our calls to Click and Clack about our various vehicles and their issues (we have 5 for 3 drivers). Once 9Am hits, we continue with our day in a more productive manner. We have chastized family members for calling during our together time, and after years of doing so, they have finally caught on, more or less. But now, WAMU, has messed up everything! Car Talk is now not on until 10AM! Today, I listened by myself while sorting through papers. It's just not the same. Honey, what are we going to do?


Joanna said...

We used to love listening to car talk. Haven't listened to it in years, though, cuz our kids are so talkative. That's cute that you and hubby have car talk time. Sorry they messed with your schedule.

QuiltingFitzy said...

You can get it on stream. We listen to NPR on KQED from San Francisco at 10:00am every Sunday morning PST if that helps. Just find it on the web and look for the market that airs it at a convenient time. (WVXU airs NPR on Sunday mornings in Cincinnati, on EST; we used to live there.)

We HAVE to listen to Prarie Home Companion and Garrison Keilor every Sunday right after Click & Clack. It's been part of my Sunday for many years!

Texan said...

Don't you just hate when something like that happens, there is something about a routine that is secure and reassuring...