Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What's new? Not much, how 'bout you?

Actually, that is a lie. Since the last post, I've:
celebrated my 43 birthday with 5 year olds, fed the homeless, helped my daughter struggle with an important decision and am now bringing her home from college, fought with my handsome prince, sorted out my sewing area, started gutting the storage area, gotten mad at my mother, cried to my sister (more than once), started purging unwanted physical clutter, injured my shoulder, slacked in working out, put on unwanted body clutter, had an ipod, lost an ipod, gotten one monkey off my back, worked on my quilt, started a scarf, replaced a lost earing, then lost it, and I'm sure there is more. I just did not want more than a week to go by without a post. I've been struggling, physically and mentally with myself, my projects, my house, my family, but I think I'm turning the corner.


weirdbunny said...

What's happening !! You've had loads to deal with by the sounds of it. Get a good book from the libary and take to your bed for a few days with lot's of chocolate.

Jeanne said...

Hi Dana,

Whew, sounds like you might be in the same midwinter slump that I've been in.

Keep your chin up. I'll be holding you in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Oh Dana, I'm sorry to hear you've had so much going on :(
I don't know why your daughter came home from college but I've been there with my girl. It's not easy growing up.
I hope you have turned the corner and there's nothing but sunshine on the other side!

Angie said...

Gotta be in the water...or weather...or hmmmm whatever--I'm in there with you, and from the looks of things, we are not alone, girlfriend!!!! ROFL BTW, happy birthday!

Angie said...

Oh, and I think WE should take WeirdBunny's advice, grab a couple of good books and loads of chocolate and head to the bed (does your bedroom door have a lock on it? I don't think mine does, so I'll just have to prop a chair up under the doorknob.) ROFL

Angie said...

Oh, and I think WE should take WeirdBunny's advice, grab a couple of good books and loads of chocolate and head to the bed (does your bedroom door have a lock on it? I don't think mine does, so I'll just have to prop a chair up under the doorknob.) ROFL

Texan said...

mmmm yep you are living life as well I see!!! It has a way of being like this!
Seems lots going on right now for lots of folks, including me!
I am one year behind ya on the Bday... wondering if this has anything to do with some of this lol....
Its good to know no one has been singled out, life is after us all! LOL ...... sometimes you wonder don't ya!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The sun will shine again, big sister, and everything will be better.
I kinda like the book and chocolate therapy but I think I recommend the wine and movie course of action. Maybe one during the day and one in the evening???
Call anytime.