One bite at a time! That has been my mantra for the month of January. We've been trying to put our house together after the new carpet installation, taking the time to sort, to purge, to organize, to rearrange. It takes time and it's easy to lose motivation. Yet, little by little, improvement is seen. I am getting ready to contact an uphosterer for two chairs and my sofa.
The same goes for some other projects this month. I have binders of home ideas, quilt ideas, craft ideas, and fitness routines. Along with these binders are stacks of pages ripped from magazines, a pack or two of page protectors, and more magazines. One page at a time. I'll probably have to go buy more binders for the fitness pages.
And so it goes for the quilt I've been working on. Every evening, I sit in the corner of the tv room, illuminated by my free, floor ott light (freecycle people!) and watch either bad movies or bad tv. Seems to be a theme. And I quilt till my fingers are raw. Audrey asked how long I had been working on this quilt. I guess it has just been a part of me every winter. It's been a 10 year project. In looking around my sewing/craft area, thinking, pulling out projects, I've determined I'm a process person. The finished product is not really my goal. I like the planning, the playing, the ideas, etc. Although, when something is finished, it is wonderful. I expect something wonderful to happen this weekend.
Tee Hee, cute How do you eat an elephant!
I totally understand the cleaning out organizing thing, doing that as well, our pending move has me back at it!
Any news on becoming a Personal Trainer? I am very interested in this, What Certification do you feel is the way to go on that?
Keep up this great resource. Respect!
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