Thursday, January 31, 2008

Horoscope today

As an Earth sign you have a very pragmatic mind set. A situation at home today is going to place quite a call on your practical skills, but the planets indicate that you will be able to cope admirably with whatever the day throws at you. This will also impress someone very special to you.

Not a good sign, even before coffee, I dropped meds meant for Gus (65lbs), Honey ate, call 24 hour vet, try to get Honey to vomit, call vet again, 45 minutes later they give me # for animal poison control who tell me not to worry. No coffee, tears of frustration and incompetance all before 7am.

I started searching Horoscope sites for one I liked. Didn't happen. I hope the day doesn't throw more at me.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Knitting Blues

Well, not really. I'm just knitting blue, blue scarves, blue duffel bag. Today is the first day in a while I've had the house to myself, well, I share it with the dogs. I like my solitude. I love having my family around, and despite the fact that it has usually been recovery period, I love having My Handsome Prince around, no schedule, relaxing. I love the noise, the chaos, the laughter of everyone around. But I love, need, and crave solitude once in a while. Today is perfect. The sun is shining is the sunroom, heating it to 75 degrees, the puppies are lounging in the spots where the sun streams in, I listen to WTMD, Subdudes right now, and I knit.

My thoughts run in many directions, which is ok, because I am not following any pattern, just straight knitting. I think how the hell am I going to get my act together enough to work, go to school, feed my family, care for my home, and still have time to nap,knit, or create, all in the same day. I guess something's gotta give. Yet I am excited, thrilled. There is only room for growth. I think of the scan that will happen at the end of next week and try not to fret. The threat of deployment is real, now more than ever. That is where the repetitive motion of the needles is soothing and simple. I think, do I have the nerve to dread my hair this weekend? The opportunity has presented itself. Later, I phone my sister, and yes, continue to knit. Nobody gives me a hard time about talking to my sister for 5 minutes or 2 hours (we get it from both sides). She puts together a rower with the help of her children. I'm jealous of the rower, but I do get her weight bench for the shore. We talk of our Grandparents' homes and how nothing was off limits, laugh, then say goodbye and get back to our tasks.

And then my solitude comes to an end. Audrey needs to be picked up from school and taken to the dermatologist, Old Navy, and last stop at Safeway for their soup and bread bowls, a treat for the two of us. We will come home, separate to our respective quarters for a bit, for she too, likes her solitude, then gather for a bit of tube before bed.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Project 365

I'm really trying to take a photograph each and every day. I know I have skipped on day and I have yet to take one today. As each day passes, I understand the need to stop to take that photo, to always have that camera available. I have passed up so many cool, wonderful, unusual photo opportunities. Take yesterday for example, 3 girlfriends, in total workout mode and gear, chatting a bit before they begin, chat lasts a little longer and they abandon their workout for bad coffee in styrofoam cups (hate styrofoam), and a sit down in the copy/mail room on the floor, laughing as only girlfriends can. That was my little wonder yesterday and I did not have my camera. Thank you my girlfriends for a lovely coffee break.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Let's See...

Since we last visited, I have registered for my classes at the community college, I have finished my second round of antibiotics, I was a guest at The Coon Club, owned by The United Coon Hunters Association, attended the birthday party for WTMD with guests Eva Castillo, Tift Merritt, and Ryan Shaw (a great event), cleaned my studio, taught 4 classes, approximately 60 adults each on strength training (This was an event for the local school system and I taught with a friend), met a friend in Dagsboro who actually lived here in my town and our children went to school together and we never crossed paths, bought two sexy bras with the aid of my girls, had dinner at Emma's, taught a Mommy and Me Boot camp, took many naps and am currently struggling to find something my hands will be happy doing.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

SPC - It's My Birthday

I couldn't resist. Self Portrait Challenge for the month of January is celebration. Although it is not a self portrait, it is a true portrait of me on my birthday last week and I love it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Enter to Learn

That's what it says on the entrance to Carroll Community College. I enrolled last week, took my placement exams last night. As I left My Handsome Prince told me not to worry, I know what I know and will learn what I don't. Good advice, don't you think? Well, remedial math is in my future. Out of 12 algebra questions, I think I knew 2 and guessed on all the rest. I'll find out Friday when I get my results and can register for classes.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My Dear Family

Thank you for such a lovely birthday. I received an email hoping my birthday was happy and the beginning of a good year. I responded that indeed it was happy, with a self indulgent massage, dinner prepared, cake baked, a walk with my family in beautiful weather, and my favorite card game. So how could it not be a great start? Thank you for your thoughtful gifts of music, shirts that speak to me, and the trip I've been missing and literally dreaming about. I dream about the French Quarter and music. Well, I dream of Italy too, but that can wait a few more years for a return. I love you all so much and you make me happy more than any gift.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Moving Forward

  1. For some reason, I found 2007, or my 44th year a bit difficult. Little inspiration or motivation, primarily just going through the motions. Already I'm feeling the push forward, the little snippets of inspiration, the wonder for this coming year. Here are 45 things I would like to do before my 45th birthday:

  1. Schedule regular massages
  2. Lose 10 pounds
  3. Buy 3 bras at Victorias Secret that really fit me and make me feel sexy
  4. Buy 3 sports bras that really fit me and make me feel sporty
  5. Plan and host a Creative Women's Retreat
  6. Finish these projects: my knitted/felted duffle bag
  7. socks
  8. poncho
  9. Audrey's cotton crazy quilt
  10. Start a sweater for myself
  11. Get my family involved in a service project- make a quilt for Project Linus together, deliver presents for Santa Anonymous, work in a food pantry once a month/quarter or something
  12. Step down from my position as Youth leader
  13. Project 365
  14. Open a bigger Flickr account
  15. Visit the American Visionary Arts Museum
  16. Publish my last two years of blogging with blurb
  17. Get my CEC's for my Group Fitness certification
  18. Shampoo my carpets
  19. Totally clean my basement
  20. Finish the bathroom on Deep Run
  21. Do the bathroom in Dagsboro
  22. Organize my recipes
  23. Organize my fitness papers
  24. Make a book of photos from Italy
  25. Make time for friends more often
  26. Go to Jazz Fest (okay, I'm cheating a bit as My Handsome Prince gave me airline tickets and hotel reservations for my birthday)
  27. Enroll in a yoga class
  28. Enroll in the community college (no I have not done that yet)
  29. Open an Etsy shop or sell in the local market in DE
  30. Encourage the YMCA to recycle water bottles
  31. Buy a few pairs of pants/jeans. I'm tired of wearing hand me downs from teenagers
  32. Join/Start a book club
  33. See Ozomatli
  34. See Anders Osborne
  35. See The Wood Brothers
  36. Use a heartrate monitor
  37. Introduce the idea to the Y about a service/work trip
  38. Mamogram
  39. Pap
  40. Dreads
  41. Bake bread
  42. Sew clothes
  43. Purge
  44. Explore the eastern shore
  45. A physical challenge - maybe this year will be the Seagull Century

I'm sure that some things will just not be for me and others will take its place. The point is to step outside that comfort zone, do something that, as my sister says "Rocks your world" or someone elses. We'll see what my 45th year brings.

I must say, it was a bit odd to have my early January birthday and be outside without a coat, going for a walk in 60 degree weather. More than once, I've shovelled snow.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from the Eastern Shore of Delaware.

We walked on the beach

Got freaked out by a huge amount of vultures on the roofs of houses. This is a small sampling.

Really liked the idea of turning the living room into a dance area, complete with disco ball.
Claimed space
Entertained our first guests very simply
Marvelled at tiny puppy prints in the sand

And got totally devastated by the loss of The Blue Surf Motel to put up condominiums and shops. I always wanted to stay there but it was never necessary and now I never will. So, don't wait to do something or you may never get to do it.

We were welcomed the first night by a friend from the Y and her husband, who own a place in Fenwick Island. They treated us to dinner and spent the evening giving us scoop on 1/2 price dinner places, fresh produce, shortcuts and more. I'll have to ask again, as after a bit, my eyes glazed over with the wealth of information.

It was a totally delightful, relaxing, renewing time. It spoke of the change we are entering in our lives.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Prior to camp this summer, I was in charge of the program for one day, fitting in with the theme. My morning watch consisted of meditating on the Micah scripture "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God." They were to think of what they had been called to do in the past and what they were being called to do now. Then there were opportunities for drama based on some other scriptures and the program ending with making banners with their "calling", their one word, or saying. I never got to participate as I left the day before to be with My Handsome Prince for his surgery. I always wanted to make mine. So...I took the supplies, contemplated what I want to do, what I need to do, and what I am called to do. Here is my New Year's Resolution. It says SEEK, over top of many of the things I seek. I will hang this in a spot where I see it everyday and can meditate on it.