Prior to camp this summer, I was in charge of the program for one day, fitting in with the theme. My morning watch consisted of meditating on the Micah scripture "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God." They were to think of what they had been called to do in the past and what they were being called to do now. Then there were opportunities for drama based on some other scriptures and the program ending with making banners with their "calling", their one word, or saying. I never got to participate as I left the day before to be with My Handsome Prince for his surgery. I always wanted to make mine. So...I took the supplies, contemplated what I want to do, what I need to do, and what I am called to do. Here is my New Year's Resolution. It says SEEK, over top of many of the things I seek. I will hang this in a spot where I see it everyday and can meditate on it.
Fits in with Rick's sermon Sunday.
thanks for visiting my blog! good luck with your resolution too. lucy x
what a wonderful banner !
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