Happy New Year from the Eastern Shore of Delaware.

Really liked the idea of turning the living room into a dance area, complete with disco ball.

Claimed space

Entertained our first guests very simply

Marvelled at tiny puppy prints in the sand

And got totally devastated by the loss of The Blue Surf Motel to put up condominiums and shops. I always wanted to stay there but it was never necessary and now I never will. So, don't wait to do something or you may never get to do it.
We were welcomed the first night by a friend from the Y and her husband, who own a place in Fenwick Island. They treated us to dinner and spent the evening giving us scoop on 1/2 price dinner places, fresh produce, shortcuts and more. I'll have to ask again, as after a bit, my eyes glazed over with the wealth of information.
It was a totally delightful, relaxing, renewing time. It spoke of the change we are entering in our lives.
How annoying that they are putting shops in the hotel you always wanted to stay in ! Yes action not just thought is the way to go for 2008 !
It used to be that we always wanted to welcome the new year with big, wild parties. It felt foreign and disconnected to what we were celebrating. Isn't it wonderful to enter the new year with quiet, peaceful steps taken with close friends and family? I couldn't think of a better way to welcome the first day of 2008 than to drive on a beautiful, sunny day to the new charming home of my sister, take a walk on the beach with our families and puppies, and then play games on the floor.
Congrats on your new chapter. Oh, and Happy Birthday!!!
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