Wednesday, May 14, 2008


School has been great. And yes, I will continue in the Fall, 3 more classes, this time a math, spanish again, and an online health class. Of course all of this balances on whether these classes are still available. While I have loved the whole education thing, I have been pinning for some handwork, some creativity, a project, start something new or finish something old. My gumdrop wreath has been on the kitchen table since before Christmas along with the pom pom garland. Sometimes I make the mistake of blog hopping, finding wonderful projects only to never find them again. So, a list has begun.

I want to make one of these. I can just imagine wearing it in the fall, still warm, walking along the beach. Oh yeah.

Today I will look for plants for one of these. I have some wonderful glass jars with lids I bought at Target a couple years ago.

I have 5 of these jars left so here is another project for which I will be asking help, so put your thinking caps on.

Oh, there is more. I have fiber 10 ATC's to make for a swap, bird themed. I've got my idea, torn between a peace dove or inspiration from The Be Good Tanyas "The Littlest Birds Sing the Prettiest Songs". Projects to finish, projects to start. It won't be long now.

What are your creative desires?

1 comment:

Texan said...

Congrats on your finishing up your semester!! I say good for us both for doing it!!! YEAH!!! and good for you for continueing on...not sure what I am doing... :O)...

Love the Mexican dress that would be fun to embroidery and yep great for the beach...

My big project at the moment is this bolt of burlap I am using to redo the master bedroom :O)... I started that project today!!

I too missed the creativity and projecting while in feels great to be back in the thick of it :O)