Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Good Morning Tuesday

Sometimes I feel like this blog is one of those photo albums filled with only the special occasions. Today is just tuesday. My day will be filled with teaching a few classes, pilates for myself, downloading some music, writing a final paper, uploading my photos onto flickr and facebook (yes, I have a facebook too, although I am clueless). I will get beautified, or at least somewhat, have lunch with a couple girlfriends, pick up a rental car, and ...gulp! go see the car. Then I will work until late. Somewhere in there I hope to pick up some plants. I hope to get the puppies out for a romp in the yard. So much to do.

1 comment:

Texan said...

Good luck with your finals!
I finished up last week! No regrets, I don't know if I will go back again or not, but I learned a lot, and enjoyed it as well...I also learned some things about myself :O)...always a good thing...

Sounds like you guys had a great time on your recent trip!