This year 4 families camped and stayed together for 6 days, 4 other families joined for the weekend or 24 hours.
I'll admit, I was not psyched this year. With the house on the shore, all I want to do is stay there. Entering into Lewes, Delaware though, my heart soaring, a smile across my face, home away from home, for so many years. Three families were already set up and waiting for me with dinner. Entering the primary campsite, kids all around, manses tending the fire, my little sister setting up her camp, a family reuinion. Ahhhh.
My oldest, being buried in the sand, stated she liked hanging with the kids because they liked to have fun. Then her boyfriend arrived and she went back to being 20, with a little kid mixed in.
We climbed the Observation Tower
Found messages in the sand, one to someone we knew
Here are the tower climbers - that is my goofy handsome prince and his BFFB
This scene caught my eye, cheese balls - breakfast of champions
Just chillin' while Emma takes all the kids to the beach, drinking the best beer ever - Dogfishhead 90 minute IPA, whoa!
We had the usual mega meals over the fire, including a roast with corn, black beans, salsa, served with homemade tortillas and donuts over the fire, massive amounts of pork products, chicken bbq, a mexican bake, blueberry cobbler, and so much more.
We played Capture the Flag (I did not - as I was packing up, plus I just did not think it was in my best interest with some back and neck issues still in the picture), Four Square (although it was not started until a few days into the trip, and only started because one young lady remarked she was disappointed in MHP because he did not set it up), Geocaching, finding a hidden lily pond in the great expanse of dunes, trips into town for shoppy shop, and late night trips into town for DQ
We also had green flies, no see-ums, heat, and the required emergency room visit (by My Handsome Prince with mystery blister and swelling on his foot that kept getting worser and worser - antiobiotics and lancing did the trick). T-shirts are in the thought process - Member of Bebe Medical Center Emergency Room Club.
We had a shower off, a competition of who could last the longest without a shower. It was always a debate as to what was legal and what was not, although one child wished to believe that brushing teeth was against the rules but it was set straight that NOT brushing was against the rules. All in all, we did not last long, with sweat, sand, salt, and smoke, although one lady,who will remain anonymous, went the whole week without a shower with soap or washcloths but rinsed everyday. Maybe she was the winner, with the exception of a child who did nothing but I'm not sure that is fair.
Oooo, I bet the shower that anonymous lady took when she got home was very long, very hot and very, very soapy! I bet she felt wonderful afterwards and really enjoyed having clean hair again. I bet she reveled in the fact that in her own world, she was the Grand Champion Non-Showerer despite the possibility that she was DQ'd due to her own brain gas brought on--most likely--by the delicious DogFish beer that surely was being offered at every turn. Of course, this is all supposition because I have no idea who you are talking about. I wonder, was the youngster at all related to the lady? Hmm...just a thought.
I guess you are still remaining anonymous. I still think I held out pretty well.
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