Tuesday, January 31, 2006
SPT - Front Porches

I now have a huge deck and lower cement patio. My father loves to come sit out on my deck and watch nature. We've seen deer, hawks, hummingbirds, swallows, and of course witnessed the death of many a ground hog to Gus the killer dog. For some reason, this does not sit well with me. I'm more comfortable out front, watching the world go by. Waving to the honking horn because I'm sure I know who it is (even though I don't recognize the car). I live rurally so that aren't many that walk, but once in a one comes by. I offer a glass of water and small talk. Some day, I'm going to have my screened in porch, like my Grandparents, I'm going to have my radio playing, a basket of scraps or sewing by my side, my puppies at my feet, and welcome the neighbors, whether they be young or old, 2 or 4 legged, and remember my days at Turlington Ave.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Business, unfinished and finished

Here is one of my unfinished projects. I just finished quilting all the blocks in this quilt last night so just have the borders and binding left to do. This sucker has been almost 10 years in the making. I have never liked the batting I am using (Warm & Natural) for hand quilting so just put it off quite a bit. I am hoping to finish this quilt this week(?) even though the week holds quite a bit of other business.
I have also started my first pair of socks. Man, oh man! those needles are tiny. I can only knit so long before I get all tangled up and crampy. As with any other knitting project, I know there is a rhythym that gets going after a while. Like I needed something else to do, I also started a hat for Emma's boyfriend's birthday present. But, the hat should only take me a few hours from start to finish.
While the visit to Immaculata University was unsatisfying, the ride there and back was nice. We had a lovely drive through Lancaster County. It has been a long time since I had been through that area so was interesting to see the horse and buggies on the road, farmers plowing with horses, solid colored laundry on lines. Emma and I had some nice conversation, faith issues, schools, friends, etc. Immaculata itself was a nice campus but we were not given a whole lot of information on the things we wanted. The tour was long and mainly hallways, no music rooms, practice rooms, performance areas, recording areas, and a fake dorm room, furnished and sponsored by one of those bath stores. How in the world are you supposed to get a feel for dorm living if there is nothing in it but cutesy stuff?! The students were very gung ho on the school and everything was "I love Immaculata", "I don't want to leave" almost to the point of naseau. I just felt we did not get a good representation of the school and all it has to offer which is too bad because I do think it is probably a very good school. We had another nice drive home, listening to Barbara Kingsolver's "The Poisonwood Bible". Some of our earlier conversation had to do with prostelitizing and forcing your view upon someone else/other cultures and who is right and who is wrong, if anyone. We both agreed that it is our mission to serve, we can voice our beliefs, but it is not in our place to tell someone they are wrong in their belief system. It was kind of cool, sharing these ideas.
I feel like Audrey is getting left out of things with all this college stuff going on. I asked her if she wanted to take a road trip. It was a definite no. I guess I'll have to come up with something cool and special to do with her. She loves the idea of community service. Maybe we can come up with a volunteer mission. I was going to try to teach her to knit hats for preemie babies, but I don't know if she is interested in that. At one time, she was interested in Linus project, too. We'll do some brainstorming.
Today was church. Afterwards Audrey stayed to help plan youth worship tonight and Pat stayed to sing with the band. I listened to the band and knitted. Came home, took a nap, made a cd, and now this. Quiet day. I'm going to get back to knitting my socks. I'm afraid I'll finish one and not want to do the other!

Friday, January 27, 2006
I feel amazing!
On another note, I was knitting the other night while waiting for Audrey at theatre. One of the other mom's came in and said to her son, "Oh look, Miss Dana is preparing to get old." I said, "Actually, I'm keeping myself young by teaching myself something new." First time in my life I've had a comeback! Getting old, my foot.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Just for Today
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
SPT - Sisters

I have two daughters. The relationship between them is something I never, ever envisioned. They are the most amazing young women. They have been friends since the birth of the youngest. They are loving and tender towards each other but are also able to utter things to each other that neither would let anyone else say to them. They are equipped to tackle the world, knowing that at one time or another, they will have the support of the other. They are each others best friend. They have changed my life.
I have a sister. She is everything I feel I am not but my heart swells with the things she is and the things she does. I don't think I have ever been mad at my sister. She is my best friend and I talk to her almost daily. We laugh quite often, mostly at ourselves, and know that no one finds us as funny as we do. Then we find humor in that. I was priveledged to witness and coach the birth of her second child. I love her. She has formed me.
I have a Mother who has a sister. They, too, share the mysterious bond of sisterhood. All through their adulthood, they have socialized or vacationed together. Even when almost a thousand miles apart, they managed to get family and friends to vacation together. They share a love of books and movies and the ability to laugh until they snort. They, too, come from another bond of sisterhood. That of their mother and her two sisters, who also had the fortune to witness the bond of sisterhood with their mother and sister.
And so it goes, I don't know if that was the beginning or not. I have not done the research. What I do know is that each of us was formed by this bond. It has determined the way we treat one another, respect others, and care for one another. I would not be who I am today if it were not for the women in my life, both older and younger.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Corners of My House #1

Saturday, January 21, 2006
She's leaving home, bye, bye
How in the world can I let my first born go? This is just breaking my heart, yet I'm so excited for her future. I wish I could go with her. What will I do if she really decides to go to Chapman in California?
Friday, January 20, 2006

I'm posting this photo because it makes me smile. I need that smile. Gus is on the left, he is 11 years old, and came from the local animal shelter. Shelby is on the right, she is 9 years old and came from GRREAT.
To put it mildly, this has not been the best of weeks. A little PMS, mixed in with a daughter with a broken tailbone, a dog (Gus) with torn ACL plus hip damage ($$$$$$), feeling like a bad Mommy, no creativity, a disaster of a house. Woe is me. So what to do? I am in control and can change this, can't I?
On the bright side, it is a beautiful day. I would love to share it with the puppies, but one is at the vet. I'm awaiting results on child x-rays and puppie ex-rays, so really can't leave. I guess there is nothing left to do but finish knitting my hat. That will make me feel better. Maybe I'll even pick up some small needles and knit a preemie hat - that will be even better. I'll be posting some photos this evening. The hot tub will be ready tonight for a good soak and there is a bottle of wine chillin' just for me. Hmmm, a good dinner is in order too, lasagne sounds yummy. TTFN
PS Can you tell I'm working on that Letting Go goal?
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Self Portrait Tuesday - I am not Lisa

Monday, January 16, 2006

Friday, January 13, 2006
Things that made me smile today
- The moon on a dark, quiet morning visible through the bare trees
- Elementary school kids walking to school. What a joyful bunch!
- Working up a good sweat.
- Steamy, hot shower after working up a good sweat
- Patchouli soap
- My amorous husband who likes my low cut jeans
- Field trip to Wegmans with new friends
- A friend following his dream
Thursday, January 12, 2006
My Finds

I need a little creativity to recover from all the mundane sorting and furniture moving. So, I decided to photograph my latest finds. Here are my metal/wire freezer baskets I got at an appliance repair store for $5 total. The wool is from my own stash.

These are cd cases from the dollar aisle at Target. I just love that aisle! I'm thinking of embellishing them somehow, either paint, bubble stickers, fabric, not sure yet.

These are my children's baby sweaters, knit by my Grandfather's wife. One of them is almost 18 years old and the other 13. They've been through 3 or 4 kids. My sister just recently gave them back to me. Aren't they sweet? The problem is, I don't know whose is whose, so I'll be sorting through photos to find out.

This is my mess. It's embarrasing to share it, but it might keep me accountable to continue sorting, storing, purging, and most importantly, creating. I'll post the after photos hopefully this weekend.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
But first
Monday, January 09, 2006
Happy day
MMMMM! Rich and delicious! My cycle class this morning had to work hard to make up for me eating these babies. We ended the day by going out for Burgers, here, and to see Walk The Line. All four of us thought the movie was great! A perfect day.
On another note, here are some things that I have finished lately:An online swap with a group of primitive appliquers and quilters. This one is just for us! First quilt I've ever made for our bed.
The first hat I ever knit. This is Audrey's hat. I am quite pleased with it. Even though she picked out the yarn and pattern, she has yet to wear it. That's ok, it was a pleasure to make.
And a pair of Isotoner slippers I emebellished. I dryfelted the squiggle and added some MOP buttons. I just love wearing these! An yes, it is another thing just for me! After years of making things to give away, I'm keeping a few.