Here is one of my unfinished projects. I just finished quilting all the blocks in this quilt last night so just have the borders and binding left to do. This sucker has been almost 10 years in the making. I have never liked the batting I am using (Warm & Natural) for hand quilting so just put it off quite a bit. I am hoping to finish this quilt this week(?) even though the week holds quite a bit of other business.
I have also started my first pair of socks. Man, oh man! those needles are tiny. I can only knit so long before I get all tangled up and crampy. As with any other knitting project, I know there is a rhythym that gets going after a while. Like I needed something else to do, I also started a hat for Emma's boyfriend's birthday present. But, the hat should only take me a few hours from start to finish.
While the visit to Immaculata University was unsatisfying, the ride there and back was nice. We had a lovely drive through Lancaster County. It has been a long time since I had been through that area so was interesting to see the horse and buggies on the road, farmers plowing with horses, solid colored laundry on lines. Emma and I had some nice conversation, faith issues, schools, friends, etc. Immaculata itself was a nice campus but we were not given a whole lot of information on the things we wanted. The tour was long and mainly hallways, no music rooms, practice rooms, performance areas, recording areas, and a fake dorm room, furnished and sponsored by one of those bath stores. How in the world are you supposed to get a feel for dorm living if there is nothing in it but cutesy stuff?! The students were very gung ho on the school and everything was "I love Immaculata", "I don't want to leave" almost to the point of naseau. I just felt we did not get a good representation of the school and all it has to offer which is too bad because I do think it is probably a very good school. We had another nice drive home, listening to Barbara Kingsolver's "The Poisonwood Bible". Some of our earlier conversation had to do with prostelitizing and forcing your view upon someone else/other cultures and who is right and who is wrong, if anyone. We both agreed that it is our mission to serve, we can voice our beliefs, but it is not in our place to tell someone they are wrong in their belief system. It was kind of cool, sharing these ideas.
I feel like Audrey is getting left out of things with all this college stuff going on. I asked her if she wanted to take a road trip. It was a definite no. I guess I'll have to come up with something cool and special to do with her. She loves the idea of community service. Maybe we can come up with a volunteer mission. I was going to try to teach her to knit hats for preemie babies, but I don't know if she is interested in that. At one time, she was interested in Linus project, too. We'll do some brainstorming.
Today was church. Afterwards Audrey stayed to help plan youth worship tonight and Pat stayed to sing with the band. I listened to the band and knitted. Came home, took a nap, made a cd, and now this. Quiet day. I'm going to get back to knitting my socks. I'm afraid I'll finish one and not want to do the other!

I love the top quilt the colors and everthing....sounds like some quality time in the car...precious
Sorry that the college wasn't all that you were looking for...but the time spent with your daughter made up for it by the sounds of it. :o)
You need to make your way thru Lancaster again in about 2 months. Fabulous quilt show...and the quilt shops have WONDERFUL prices! It's my yearly "me-vacation". My one and only I might add. :oP
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