This stole started with a wool jacket of yours. To it, I added a top that both Rachel and I wore, a tie of Pat's, and dresses from Emma and Audrey's wardrobe. Wear it in Peace, Dad. I love you.

That's it for the gifts tonight.
Earlier in the week, we attended the high school choral concert, this time to see Audrey performing in the treble choir. The treble choir is a group that meets after school for 1/2 hour, 1 day a week. It was a strong group of women and much better than the Beginner's concert choir that meet daily. It was such a joy to see my other daughter up on stage, looking confident and happy, singing Christmas songs.
Today we attended NC Idol at the high school. What a fun time! Three contestants, along with some guest performers (Emma included) and an audience vote. I am reminded what a good school my daughter attends. Emma having graduated, succeding in college, definitely prepared. Audrey just beginning her education. Yes, there are frustrating things within the school, county and state, but for the most part, it is good.
Now time for the really good, family time.
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