Some creatures for nieces and nephews and brother

wool of green, red, and ecru waiting to be knit into bowls

Meanwhile the destruction of the house continues, the classes continue, work continues, school and some social fun. Tonight I am going to see Raul Malo sing Christmas songs at Ramshead Tavern with a girlfriend from the Y. She bought the tickets so I'm treating dinner. I had my knitting out during my 30 minute break between classes and one of my seniors sat beside my, hands outstretched with the fingers waving - like gimmee, gimmee, gimmee. She knit several rows and we chatted about knitting. I've found my sock helper. Gotta get back to work. I've a little more sewing to do before I store the machine away.
Hi Dana! I just wanted to stop in and say thank you so much for visiting Bad Fortune Cookie - and taking the time to leave a comment!
I would have emailed you back, but didn't have an email address - but in a way I am glad, since it brought me here! I had to smile when I saw the cutie sock creatures awaiting their faces! I think I have more half done beasties around here than I do actual completed ones!
Seems while I have been missing from Blogland... many have been just posting away!!
Love the yoyo spread on the book/magazine you posted a picture of... I have made a throw and have another pile of yoyos made... I am one of those addicted to making them even when I do not know what they will become!!
Your creatures are funny :O)
Hi Dana,I am happy for you that everything proceeds for the best!!!! I find your so curious new creations :o)) Have a great sunday!
Just found your post. Even tho I don't knit I was so impressed when our friend who is a retired cardiologist knitted me a dishcloth for Christmas! (I already opened it).
I am felting my bowl this afternoon.
Just a quick note to wish you a very Merry Christmas!!!
Yes I've finally wiped the dust off my computer, and re-opened the blog. Well it is christmas after all.... love Julia x
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