Saturday, January 26, 2008

Project 365

I'm really trying to take a photograph each and every day. I know I have skipped on day and I have yet to take one today. As each day passes, I understand the need to stop to take that photo, to always have that camera available. I have passed up so many cool, wonderful, unusual photo opportunities. Take yesterday for example, 3 girlfriends, in total workout mode and gear, chatting a bit before they begin, chat lasts a little longer and they abandon their workout for bad coffee in styrofoam cups (hate styrofoam), and a sit down in the copy/mail room on the floor, laughing as only girlfriends can. That was my little wonder yesterday and I did not have my camera. Thank you my girlfriends for a lovely coffee break.

1 comment:

weirdbunny said...

I took some photo's of the first buds of spring bulbs in the garden on the weekend. Such a welcoming sight. Roll on Spring, I just can't wait.