Friday, February 22, 2013


It's already Friday. It seems as soon as we get on the beltway we change our pace. We've met family for coffee, for lunch, we've hung out at Barnes and Noble, run errands, had a visitor,I've had two great fitness classes, picked up food from Mom's friend (my Mom has the best, thoughtful friends), and of course every afternoon is at Johns Hopkins. Yesterday was a meeting with the radiation team and today is a meeting with the oncology team. Go, go, go! Luckily every evening MHP is able to grab the remote, stretch out on the sofa, and reunite with Andy and Barney or watch a movie. The girls have been in and out this week.
We are in limbo right now, not knowing whether he will be admitted this weekend for chemotherapy, not knowing whether we will go home.
Pat continues to stay strong, feel good, be in good spirits and of course, inappropriate at just the wrong time. Gotta love that man. I continue to knit, walk, and attend some great fitness classes. I love the choices. We hope to meet up with more friends next week and have more visitors and eat more good food as long as he keeps this up. If not, we are quite content just resting in our home away with our girls in and out.

ETA- Pat's oncologist stated that he has surprised them all. His blood counts have remained fairly steady, his side effects have been minimal. We are home in Dagsboro. Pat is on a waiting list for chemotherapy. They will call us when they have a room. Our bags are in the living room, half unpacked, half packed, ready to go at a moments notice.

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