I have hen and chicks coming out of my ears! I have transplanted a bunch, bought some other varieties, and traded some. It seems to be a plant that does not require a green thumb. I'm not a good gardener. I do all right, and that's about it. I had a pair of MHP's military boots that I planted them in. They were so cute! They thrived in the boots! I ended up sending them with him to his new armory and they sit out front. I managed to get two pair of boots last year and finally planted some hen and chicks in them today. I hope they do as well. I love the fact that one set of boots had holes in the front that I could stick a couple babies in! That's an ugly patchouli plant next to the one set. It may be ugly but I'm hoping it will grow so I can dry the leaves and make sachets for my closet. Yes, I always stink of patchouli or as a bartender stated, "You smell like a Grateful Dead Concert." What can I say? I love it. Although I do have to say the patchouli perfume I picked up in Italy is exquisite and I receive many nice remarks about it.

My husband helped me with my priorities on his day off after a drill weekend.
Happy Audrey getting off the bus.
A night off.
My mood lifting and letting go.
My new Mason Dixon knitting book.
Hi Dana,the plants in the boot is a fantastic idea!!!!
These plants don't need a lot of cares, I don't even have the green thumb but them they are well with me, they is the only ones that never die ;))))))P.S. Also I like the perfume of patchouli!
My friend Kelli gave me some hens and chicks about 12 years ago. She had been to visit her grandmother and brought them home, then forgot about them in the trunk of her car for about a week. They lived through that and I still have their ancestors. Her grandmother died last year and I gave her a pot of them. She was really glad to have them. I love the boot idea.
As I read your diary, because that is what this is, I think God, what a beautiful daughter!!!
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