This morning at 3AM, I awoke to one of our smoke alarms chirping, indicating that the battery was low. I woke the Prince up and asked him if he could disonnect it. It was one of those things that I would obsess about and never get back to sleep. After disconnecting, he got back into bed, whispered "Happy Anniversary, honey" and promptly went back to sleep. It made me smile and chuckle, even at 3AM. Today is 21 years. He is a good man. He has played a major role in who I am today. He has supported and encouraged me in my position of a stay at home Mom, for over 18 years. Never complains about all the crap I collect and encourages my ideas. Always brings me home beer caps from band practice. I love laughing together, and we laugh a lot, sitting in the hot tub, camping, kayaking, heated discussions, even when I am stubbornly trying to sway him to my point of view - he humors me, listening to him sing in the band, going to church, and of course being together with our daughters. He thinks I'm sexy and I think he is handsomer than ever, more so as he ages.
Last year, we spent months planning our 20th anniversary, debating what to do. We invested in our future and bought kayaks rather than a one time expensive vacation. We thought it would give us something else to do together. It was the best choice. This year we have barely talked about our anniversary. I have to work tonight and he has drill this weekend. We were going to go to Kclingers tonight, but even that has been put on hold as he has to get up before the sun tomorrow. Oh well, there will be time for reminiscing, planning and laughter. We will make time. That's why it's been 21 years.
Happy Anniversay Darlin'
I love you, Man!
Happy Anniversary!!
I am up for another 21 if you are!
I love you honey bunny,
Happy Anniversary, so lovely!
Happy Anniversary also on my behalf, Dana!!!! Together you are really a beautiful couple:))))
Happiness and joy:)))
Happy Anniversary to you guys! Isn't it wonderful to be married to the man of your dreams! I know I sure love it! 21 years this last April here as well!
Happy anniversary, Dana and Prince!
Thank you for your sweet email the other day. I'm just getting caught up again, and your message made me smile.
Hugs ~ Jeanne :)
Happy Anniversary! It's just so darn wonderful to know that there really are other couples out there that still like each other (which I consider about as important as loving each other) after having been married for some time! Great job to both of you, for it truly does take some work. :)
Oh, and I'm so glad to run into another blogger that does rughooking! :) Finn helped me get started crocheting a rug, which I'm also working on now and thoroughly enjoy, but have been playing with wool rughooking for about a year now, which I also love. :)
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