My first day of school and I didn't even get a picture of me standing on the stoop. Dios mio! I'm in up to my neck, with 9 credits, 3 classes. And how I love it already! It is not going to be easy and my classes are much more than I anticipated but, oh, how much I will learn.
My day started at work, teaching a cycle class, was scheduled to lift, but caught my boss and relayed the drama from last week (when I was HMFIC - ha!), then taught my ladies in the women's health center. By this time, I had little butterflies in my stomach. My ladies told me to get out of there and get to school early, they did not need me. They did not have to tell me twice. The parking lot at school was packed! I had to park in an overflow, gravel lot at the edge of the property. I swear there were thousands coming and going. As I was walking in, a friend of Emma's was walking out, gave me a big hug, and we promised to take our remedial math together next semester.
Health 101 - The Science and Theory of Health and Wellness
Unfortunately my Professor for this class was not there due to a family issue. We went over the syllabus and were given a list of projects from which we must choose 4. Right up my alley. Mandatory are the Behavior change project and attend a Campus Wellness Event. Then I get to choose two more from bringing a Healthy snack to class for all to share, or keeping a blog - health related, of course, to volunteering, or just random acts of kindness to make the world a better place. I think a little Guerilla art is in order.
A little time in between, a young girl drawing, a wave from me, and she comes over. Another friend of Emma's from high school and we chat for about a half hour.
Spanish 101 with Profe Schell
Holy crap, I have to write essays in spanish and also a speech.
Walk to this class with a boy from Em's high school.
PHED 101 - Lifetime Fitness
This class was almost 3 hours long, had the most paper handouts, and already have a research project. Body fat testing last night and future fitness tests, a paper on our progress...Way more than I anticipated, yet, again right up my alley. The professor here might even ask me to teach a kickbox class. Yeah! My research project is on The Society Impact of Obesity, due to my recent reading of "The Portion Teller" by Lisa R. Young and finding out queen size beds have gotten 6 inches wider since the 70's due to the widening of the american people. Hmmm, something to think about. What else will I find?
I woke up purely exhausted this morning. I'm taking a book to the bathtub to start my homework, then of course Pilates, teaching my seniors class, walking the streeets of Manchester delivering papers, a nap is a definite, then work from 4-9 tonight with a strength class and a cycle class. I will probably take some homework with me to work since it is fitness related.
My family was wonderful, with well wishes in the morning from My Handsome Prince and Audrey and a text from Emma. Later a talk with Emma, telling her all the friends I saw, and a talk with Audrey about one of her classes in high school, a yummy dinner, a clean kitchen when I got home. A good day.
You go girl! I remember my first day on the U of MD campus as a full time student, age 40, and what a thrill. All the classes were exciting with lots of reading and lots to do. But I still draw from those learning experiences and know it was worth all the anxiety that I felt. Aunt Phyllis
Have you cloned yourself without telling me?
I am so excited for you! (and a bit envious) You can hablo espanol with me anytime you want. I will parlez francais right back at you. Boy, won't that be a sight!
Wow! I'm tired already. Slay those dragons and keep up the good work. You already have friends on campus even if they are 25 years younger. I'm proud of you.
It sounds great!!! Gosh your classes sounds great! I would like those classes as well! However I am thinking the word speech and me doing it, would have surely sent me off the deep end LOL. You go girl!
Its nice you could run into several people you knew :O). I have really enjoyed the kids :O) and not kids LOL I have met and look forward to seeing them in each class :O).
So far so good on my end at school, though I am just as lost about my direction as I can be. DH says just keep moving forward something will eventually stick on what I want to do. I agree with his thinking, so many degrees have the same basics so I just keep moving... I do wish I had a few more choices, but the school I go to is very small! If I decide I want to drive further I can expand my options. Will decide this later :O)...
Good for us!!!
I'm ready for a nap after reading what you do in a day! Good luck in your studies!
You were on someone's "Blogs I Read", I like what you had to say and I put you in my favorites. Thanks for the compliment! I wish I had the need to excercise, I try to walk 3-4 times a week with a little added jog in between but not where I want to be yet.
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