Friday, April 28, 2006
West Side Story
Audrey's jeans

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Make do crazy quilt

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I've been tagged!
20 years ago: I was newly married (1 year), looking for houses where the real estate was so ridiculous that buyers had to put in bids over the asking price. You snooze you loose, was the motto. We bought a sweet little cape cod type house in town. I believe this is also the year my Mom signed me up for a quilting class as a birthday present.
10 years ago: We had an enourmous snow storm that year. So much that it prevented entrance into vehicles. A huge snow blob fell off my neighbors roof onto my brand new car and dented the roof! This was the year that My Handsome Prince had his 5th surgery to reconstruct his leg from a cancerous tumor. This was the surgery that pretty much saved him. We got to pick him up in a limo, curtesy of his Dad, the girls were thrilled to death! Both to travel in a limo and get to bring Daddy home. We bought our third house, the one we are in now, for the view. We also attended MHP's 20th high school reunion.
5 years ago: We started our camping trips with other families. This first one was a spur of the moment thing and we've been doing it ever since. We attended our first Military Gala. We had beautiful Christmas weather that year as we have a family photo of everyone outside enjoying the day. Emma mad 15 polar fleece boas that year and hasn't picked up a pair of scissors since. Our friends, Doug and Sherry, married, both diagnosed with cancer, Doug dyeing the next year and Sherry now a survivor.
1 year ago: My Handsome Prince and I celebrated 20 years of marriage! We spent 5 days kayaking and biking along the Potomac river. We had the best time!!! I lost 20 pounds. Sammajamma came along. Best summer ever! Lucinda Williams concert, along with Chesapeake Bay Blues fest with Dr. John, Shamekia Copeland, Delbert McClinton. Hmmm, who else did I see? This was also the year of the lice infestation. Who has ever heard of high school and middle school kids with lice? Ugh! Li'l Sister ended up with it too a couple months later. OMG, never forget that!!!
1 month ago: A lot of time blogging. Tasha and I really started to work out and hang out. Military Ball. Went to Audrey's drama productin which was quite a hoot! Always makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing running them around. Emma turned 18. I started being more productive and creative (even though I still feel like I get nothing accomplished).
Yesterday: Trying to get motivated after the trip to Boston, but unsuccessful. Managed to run 3 miles after a cycle class so felt like I was on track with training. Ran the kids around like crazy! Managed to get Emma's audition for scholarship recorded, pick Audrey up from school, take E to get hair dyed and skin tanned (West Side Story is this weekend). Audrey and I ended the evening watching our favorite together "24".
Today: Taught kickboxing class, lifted with Tasha, cleaned house, sent out open house e-mail invitations, taught cycle and bodysculpting classes. That's about it and that's about all I needed! Although a glass of wine and some stitching are in order later this evening.
Tomorrow: Plan of action is to swim then cycle. The day is free until 2:30ish when I meet Tasha to lift, then work 4-9pm. I plan on a little relaxation during mid day, pulling some sort of handwork out. And My Handsome Prince comes home from Italy!!
Thanks Jeanne! That was kind of fun! Lisa, do you feel like joining in?
SPT-April Fool's - more teeth
Sunday, April 23, 2006
There's no place like home, but Boston was pretty cool.
In simple words, these kids affect lives, mine, theirs, a random tour guide, a restaurant full of people, an honorary member at home, and who knows what others. What an amazing group of teenagers! They have a gift and share it.
Some random memories of the trip: First and foremost, all three choirs placed First in their categories (Chamber, mixed, show), and the Show choir won First Place overall out of all choirs competing (Mens, womens, chamber, mixed, show, etc.) Emma had tears in her eyes after performances and when they placed. What a way to end your school choral career! Kid's rehearsing in the back of the bus, breaking out in song at Hard Rock Cafe (the restaurant bewildered as to what caused it), bed check, a fort in boys room, singing to the tour guide who was surprised and awed with their ability and willingness to sing to him only, boys phobias of sharing beds vs. girls ability to share everything, the logic and fairness of sharing 2 beds with 3 boys, chaperones dancing, fake teeth, bottled water, a bill for valet parking for one of the kids (huh?).
I was incredibly proud of these kids with their performances, their grace at acceptance, their awe and appreciation of other musicians, their ability to interact with each other and adults. I could go on and on and will when I write letters to the board of education, the principal of the school, the superintendant of music, and the choral director. This is why music can not be taken out of the schools.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I'm off!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
SPT-April Fool - Show those pearly whites!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 13, 2006
Use What You Have

I finally had a chance to photograph this week's Use What You Have projects. After shopping at Anthropologie and other various stores, I noticed a lot of the clothing is embellished. Rather than spend bucko bucks on new stuff, I added to one of the skirts I already owned. I'm so please with the results. All I did was add the lovely white cotton lace onto the bottom of a skirt. Made all the difference in the world! Really sparked the skirt! The little purse was made from a chenille/courderoy skirt purchased from Goodwill years ago (with no project in mind) and some leftover cotton fabric from a jumper I made my sister at least 15 years ago. I found the snap grommet kit in my container of trims. It's just big enough to fit my wallet, cell phone and keys. Perfect! I'm still working on a stuff sack for Audrey made out of a linen spread that got destroyed by a certain dog (I'm not naming any names).
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
SPT - April - Too Much Buffy
Monday, April 10, 2006
I Finally deserve that A

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Look what My Handsome Prince brought me from the Eastern Shore. Soft shelled crabs. Mmmmmmm. Absolutely delicious little things. Dredge their little bodies through flour mixed with a little salt, pepper, and Old Bay, lightly fried in olive oil, on bread with mayo and lettuce. The only thing missing was a thick, juicy tomato. Not in season yet. Audrey plucked her legs, ate them, and left the plump little body. That's okay, it'll be my snack later.

Friday, April 07, 2006
She's Home

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
April Fools - SPT

The caption balloon reads "I'm turning how old?!" Ha, ha, that's from my SIL.

Monday, April 03, 2006
Busy, busy, busy!
Today was extremely busy and yes, most of it was daily tasks. I managed to go for a run, after my cycle class, in training for a mini triathalon. I think I ran 2 1/2 miles and walked 1/2 mile. Not bad, but I have muscles in my legs I never knew existed (and that's saying a lot!). I taxied Audrey around to a friends house and back. I will try to remember to keep my camera handy (no, A did not have hers, surprisingly). One visit, there were chickens in the trees. It was hysterical! I've never seen them in the trees! Next visit, one of their peacocks blocked the driveway with his plumage in full glory! Wouldn't move for anything.
Dinner has been made, most put away, Audrey is making cookies and 24 is on tonight. I'm finishing up the last two blocks for the swap so I can send them out tomorrow. Life is good, although I'm missing My Handsome Prince (who is in Arkansas this week).