When I was a senior in high school, I took a home economics course. Yes, it was home economics. This one specifically focused on handwork, or at least that's the part the impressed me. I learned huck weaving, embroidery, and...crochet. The teacher started us with a small hook, fine thread, and the pattern for one of those symetrical snowflakes. That thing was worn, dirty, and anything but symetrical when I was finished with it. I swore I was never going to crochet again! Wrong! Over winter vacation, we had a home assignment, yup, crochet something, anything. So, on winter break, we visited my Grandparents. Luckily, Mama crocheted (and knitted). Well, she tried her best to teach me. She sent me home with the pattern and two brand, spanking newly made potholders. Well, by the time we got home and school started again, needless to say, I had very little done. My Mom told me just to hand in one of Mama's. So I did. I got an A. No, I've never felt bad about it. I have always known how to sew and do hand work. I've never gotten along with the home ec teachers who try to re-teach me and give me poor grades or try to give me a complex. No, what I felt bad about (bad enough to learn how to crochet 24 years later) is the grungy look of the dear potholders my Mama made - the one's I own and my mother's, and the loss of that tangible evidence of my Mama's presence. So, over the past two weeks, my Mother has taught me how to crochet. She, herself, just learned within the past few months and is a master. I have recreated my own version of Mama's potholder. The white with blue rick rack is Mama's and the green with white rick rack is mine.
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