Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 17 HOME!

We came home late afternoon Tuesday. There is nothing like being home to make all things seem possible. We are all adjusting. The Bear is not adjusting as well as we are. She is not eating or making her noises. It's sad. I'm hoping another day or two of walks will shape her up. Today a home health care nurse will come and assess My Handsome Prince, change his dressing and do whatever else that needs to be done. I think home PT will be the next step. He has taken over my recliner, which I have gladly handed over. It's comfortable and keeps his legs elevated.  We are happy, the weather is gorgeous. 

Yesterday I kept wondering when my girls would come over and realized they wouldn't be coming for a week or more :-( 

And even though the dog is showing signs of depression those belly rubs help (both of them, I think)

1 comment:

seaneedles2 said...

enjoy your home time.Hope you get to make a trip to SN.Good luck with all those ladies and hope I get to see you in Sept.