Wednesday, May 01, 2013


The Senior Spring retreat is coming up and the theme is prayer.  My Dad wants to use Anne Lamott's book "Help, Thanks, Wow" as discussion along with music as prayer and an examination of the Lord's Prayer. My position at the Conference Center has enabled me to hear many prayers and be included in prayer.  I'm amazed sometimes at the eloquent words used and the flow.  Or the simple thank yous that come out quietly when someone else is praying.  I watched a group of people set up one time then walk into every lodging room on the property  and pray for those who would be in those rooms.  It was very intentional. When asked to pray sometimes I think about it so hard it becomes more of a composition than a prayer, a project. And I sweat. Last night we received this prayer from our friend Rick.  It's simplicity and intent and wish made me cry as I read it to my husband.

I hold this family in your light.
I pray for them to get their miracle, and to have stamina.
I pray for them to be okay today;
For their love, and their amazing senses of humor to help them through this.
Thank you in advance for your company and blessing.
You have never once let me down.
The group that is at the center for the next few days are regulars.  There is a relationship that develops over time with regulars.  Today some of them asked to pray for us.  We held hands and beautiful, heartfelt wishes flowed and again I cried. 
I downloaded Anne Lamott's book and there is hope for me, to learn to pray, to learn to ask, to learn to be grateful and gracious, and lastly to still be filled with wonder and express it. 


seaneedles2 said...

how very touching and so true.ALMOST TIME!

Molly's Family said...

What a beautiful and meaningful prayer from your friend, Rick!

Please know that we are thinking of all of you and keeping you in our prayers. God Bless!
Molly's Family

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I will pray this prayer for your family daily. It is perfect.