1. Joined NaBloPoMo, which is National Blog Posting Month. I have not been motivated to post, to sew, to read, really, to do anything lately, so this is my motivation, my inspiration to change my habits and move onward.
2. Walked with a record breaking 9 dogs! Yes, 9! This class is so much fun!

3. Hung out at the local Barber shop while My Handsome Prince waited, then received his haircut. This Barber Shop is complete with a spinning pole and chairs that the Barber himself, remembers sitting in as a child. I learned that men love scoop.
4. Camped in the rain (again) for Halloween. Ate massive amounts of food, drank beer, had a great time. Watch out for these vampires, though.
5. Participated in the Fall Swap and received some wonderful goodies from Calico Daisy. Since she already took a photo, I'll let you go there to see what she sent me. Plus I'm already using the towels and one is dirty. I just love them! Her package is going out tomorrow. I'm always sending on the deadline.
6. Went to the Autumn Wine Festival on the Eastern Shore. Here we are, just the two of us.
7. Made a cement trough planter. We used only one mold and built on the inside of it. I'd love to make more but that would require a 90lb. bag of Portland cement.
8. Had an absolutely body and soul satisfying lunch with a friend. We had lunch delivered from here. (They deliver to the Y too, I had dinner delivered twice) We ate wonderful food, a bit of chocolate, and a cup of coffee. I felt comfortable in her beautiful home. It was just perfect.
Okay, so I posted 8 Random things. I'm sure I could come up with a few more. Blogging everyday would prevent this, wouldn't it?
1 comment:
Reading your blog makes me feel happy inside.
: )
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