Yesterday was Emma's 18th birthday. It's hard to believe that 18 years ago she started our little family. Four years later, Audrey completed it. We are truly blessed to have 2 such wonderful, beautiful, caring daughters.
All Emma wanted for her birthday was to have her car decorated. She almost blew the surprise. She moaned all morning about how nobody decorated her car. I finally snapped and reminded her she had all day! I went to the school, unbeknownst (or so I think) to her, took her car to the car wash, filled it with gas, and 18 balloons. I wrote on the back window with car chalk. I also took 18 cupcakes to the school, left them with the office with instructions to call her down to the office before lunch. The women in the office thought it was cute that I was bringing cupcakes to school. I guess you don't see that much past elementary school. Later in the day, I picked Audrey up from school early so she could add her decorations to the car. That was pretty much it for the birthday celebrations. We had a very late dinner of steamed shrimp, bread, and salad.

Emma has been in the forefront these days with all the college planning. Audrey needs some time, attention, nurturing. Although, lately she's been spending weekends with friends and truly enjoys it. We had a nice talk about people yesterday on our weekly trip to Catonsville, usually she falls asleep in the car. We'll get there. It's difficult to know what is important to her.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Emmagirl!!!
You are such a good Mom, and a clever writer too!!
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