We hosted the third annual handmade ornament exchange. The criteria is that every participant brings 1 ornament. The ornament must be handmade and must be something you would be pleased to receive. Our tree is now ready for our other ornaments.
Today was quite the self indulgent day. After my classes this morning, I ordered lunch to be delivered to the Y from my favorite place, Warehouse Gourmet Catering. Before it came, I had my massage. OMG! This was the best ever. She did something different on me and when I came out of there, my eyes were little slits, I was feeling so fine, people were asking if I was alright. Once home and chores done for the party, I promptly opened a bottle of Proseco. Party time!
This is the end of NaBloPoMo. I am tired, a little buzzed, and have to clean up from a party. That being said, Good night.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Art at Aunt Dana's
Okay, first let me say, I'm an idiot. Remember my dreams of skirts? Well, I had the same kind of thoughts about today. My sister, her kids, and probably her dog were all coming over to help me get ready for a party, make ornaments, and have a fun artsy/craftsy day. I imagined taking lovely photos of kids at work on projects, hands, nature, dogs, and using it for my post. Well...let's just say it did not quite go that way. One was done in 10 minutes, the other required my help on the machine, the other tried constantly to sit on the dogs, while the dogs tormented my cat, who was hiding under the woodstove, which was extremely hot. At one point Sambino came out of a bedroom covered in powder. Luckily he contained his spill in a box which promptly got shoved right back in a cupboard. I am totally not ready for a party but I got my ornament done.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Things That I See
As I walk in town on Tuesdays, I witness simple, yet remarkable things
The small butcher business that eats breakfast together, complete with place settings, and those who take their smoke break together in lieu of breakfast.
The small group of minority children, latino and middle eastern, who wait for the bus on the same corner as the KKK appeared the first year I moved here. Progress is good.
The couple who eat at the table by the window overlooking their yard.
The old man who sits in his breezeway, staring out into the yard.
The older woman who thanked me for putting her Times paper on the porch along with her Merchandiser every week (and I didn't think she noticed).
The honk and wave of those I know who I know I love it when they honk and wave.
The bus driver that drove my children to school over a period of 10 years, who still smiles and waves.
The local pharmacist who knows what I am picking up without even asking.
That's small town life.
The small butcher business that eats breakfast together, complete with place settings, and those who take their smoke break together in lieu of breakfast.
The small group of minority children, latino and middle eastern, who wait for the bus on the same corner as the KKK appeared the first year I moved here. Progress is good.
The couple who eat at the table by the window overlooking their yard.
The old man who sits in his breezeway, staring out into the yard.
The older woman who thanked me for putting her Times paper on the porch along with her Merchandiser every week (and I didn't think she noticed).
The honk and wave of those I know who I know I love it when they honk and wave.
The bus driver that drove my children to school over a period of 10 years, who still smiles and waves.
The local pharmacist who knows what I am picking up without even asking.
That's small town life.
Monday, November 26, 2007
He's Back!
So go Elf Yourself!
runner gurl sent one to me! This year you can even record a message. My Handsome Prince got one from one of the band members. Now go to it!
runner gurl sent one to me! This year you can even record a message. My Handsome Prince got one from one of the band members. Now go to it!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
It's a Keeper!
Thanksgiving is the only time I ever make corn pudding. It's always requested, even by children, who typically do not like corn pudding, something about the texture. I originally used the recipe in "The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American". Then I started ad libbing. One year I added corn bread. Of course it was for the gang we just spent the holiday with and all they could talk/email about was that great corn pudding with the corn bread in it. Well, come Thanksgiving, I was sweating bullets. I was afraid to try and not live up to my reputation, but I did. I promised to write it down and share it, along with a recipe for meatloaf we made over the open fire during the summer. Disclaimer: Neither one of these recipes are low fat or good for you but sure are yummy.
Corn Pudding
Oven 350
Melt one stick of butter in a medium sized baking dish by putting it in the oven.
Mix one 20 oz. bag of frozen corn, 1 can creamed corn, 1 cup milk, 4 beaten eggs, and one box of Jiffy corn bread mix.
Pour slowly in baking dish. Don't mix the butter in, just let it happen.
Bake an hour and a half.
Nice, open fire, with red, hot logs
mix 1lb. ground pork, 1 lb. ground beef, and 1 lb. ground turkey, veal, chicken (whatever) and follow the directions of a packet of McCormick Meatloaf mix, using 2 packets for this amount of meat.
In a large cast iron dutch oven, put in cut up sweet potatoes and white potatoes. Press meatloaf on top of the potatoes. Layer slices of uncooked bacon, and gobs of bbq sauce. Do not put directly on fire, but put hot coals on top until some of the fat and juices run down into the potatoes. Once that happens you can place the dutch over directly on the coals with some on top also. Cook, checking occasionally, monitoring the fire, until done. I think it took about an hour and a half, but it all depends on your fire. This was promptly eaten by 15 people, plus the camp guy took some for his dinner while manning the post. He left us a note saying it was the best dinner ever!
Corn Pudding
Oven 350
Melt one stick of butter in a medium sized baking dish by putting it in the oven.
Mix one 20 oz. bag of frozen corn, 1 can creamed corn, 1 cup milk, 4 beaten eggs, and one box of Jiffy corn bread mix.
Pour slowly in baking dish. Don't mix the butter in, just let it happen.
Bake an hour and a half.
Nice, open fire, with red, hot logs
mix 1lb. ground pork, 1 lb. ground beef, and 1 lb. ground turkey, veal, chicken (whatever) and follow the directions of a packet of McCormick Meatloaf mix, using 2 packets for this amount of meat.
In a large cast iron dutch oven, put in cut up sweet potatoes and white potatoes. Press meatloaf on top of the potatoes. Layer slices of uncooked bacon, and gobs of bbq sauce. Do not put directly on fire, but put hot coals on top until some of the fat and juices run down into the potatoes. Once that happens you can place the dutch over directly on the coals with some on top also. Cook, checking occasionally, monitoring the fire, until done. I think it took about an hour and a half, but it all depends on your fire. This was promptly eaten by 15 people, plus the camp guy took some for his dinner while manning the post. He left us a note saying it was the best dinner ever!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
They Won't Be Around Forever
After hearing this phrase for my entire married life, it is unfortunately ringing true. Who knows what has kept Shorty around 94 years. After the passing of Eulala, he has succombed to his congestive heart disease. He and his daughter, my MIL, did not make it out for Thanksgiving, so we went to them today. The four of us, plus two puppies, plus My Handsome Prince's Sister and her family went to see Shorty and Carolyn. He looked good and did not require much oxygen, but this was a good day. Emma remarked that there could not be a cuter, small old man than Great Grandaddy. He sat in his chair, smiled, asked for food, took a nap when told, and ate his requested apple pie. He was happy today with his flock around him, not really hearing the conversation, but alert in observation, loving Apple on his lap, holding the hand of whoever was next to him. I'm glad we went, for my husband, for my children, but most of all, for Shorty, for it was a good day.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving Photos
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Things We Are Thankful For
I am thankful for the pleasant & safe trip we had driving to my Aunt & Uncle's beautiful home. The Fall leaves changing, as the setting sun shown through them, made us more aware of God's presence and creations he has blessed us with. I am always thankful for the time with family, that this holiday brings. - P
I am thankful for my husband, that he is still with me, for our children, who are lovely, fun, and wonderful to be with, for my puppies, who make me laugh (and grit my teeth, too), and of course my extended family - phone calls, visits, letters, emails. - D
Among the less serious in nature, I am thankful for music on my ipod, my blanket and pillow, my cool cowboy boots, for the corner in the sun room that is perfect for everything from reading to sewing to knitting to napping, for my able body to do my job, for my ability to motivate. - D
I am, of course, thankful for my family and friends. For all of our health and happiness. I am also thankful for my puppy Honey! And Apple Sunshine, Gus, and Punkin of course. Oh, and I'm thankful for my doorbell! (Family joke.) I'm thankful for my faith and love. But overall I'm thankful for this holiday to spend together. - A
I am thankful for my life and the good people in it. This of course including my wonderful, supportive family. I am thankful that they will always be there through any decisions or mistakes I may make. I am thankful for re-uniting of friendships, exploring new ones, and expanding on old ones. I'm thankful for hugs and kisses (including puppy kisses). I am thankful for the joy that puppies bring- especially Apple Sunshine who is 1 year old tomorrow. And OH how I am thankful for good food!!! -E
I am thankful for my husband, that he is still with me, for our children, who are lovely, fun, and wonderful to be with, for my puppies, who make me laugh (and grit my teeth, too), and of course my extended family - phone calls, visits, letters, emails. - D
Among the less serious in nature, I am thankful for music on my ipod, my blanket and pillow, my cool cowboy boots, for the corner in the sun room that is perfect for everything from reading to sewing to knitting to napping, for my able body to do my job, for my ability to motivate. - D
I am, of course, thankful for my family and friends. For all of our health and happiness. I am also thankful for my puppy Honey! And Apple Sunshine, Gus, and Punkin of course. Oh, and I'm thankful for my doorbell! (Family joke.) I'm thankful for my faith and love. But overall I'm thankful for this holiday to spend together. - A
I am thankful for my life and the good people in it. This of course including my wonderful, supportive family. I am thankful that they will always be there through any decisions or mistakes I may make. I am thankful for re-uniting of friendships, exploring new ones, and expanding on old ones. I'm thankful for hugs and kisses (including puppy kisses). I am thankful for the joy that puppies bring- especially Apple Sunshine who is 1 year old tomorrow. And OH how I am thankful for good food!!! -E
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving Travels
The girls dropped the dogs off with my sister, the Prince and I both worked in the morning and by 2pm we were on the road. We drove Rt.30 from Gettysburg to Latrobe, through the mountains, looking at the beautiful leaves, listening to a mix of Anders Osborne, Ben Harper, Brandi Carlile, listening to snoring girls, then silly girls. We are here with a mix of joy and sorrow in the family, while Shorty/Grandad struggles with congestive heart disease, along with the grief of a broken heart, the arrival of a new child in the family, and health struggles with my brother in law/The Handsome Prince's brother at Johns Hopkins. I will miss my family, my sister, who is hosting dinner along with 3 dogs, my Mom who is with her sister, and my Dad who will be with my sister. Where will you be tomorrow?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Audrey and I went into Baltimore yesterday to meet with Sylvia. Sylvia is 89 years old and runs a food pantry out of a small church. Single handed, for the most part. She drives a PT Cruiser. I met Sylvia about 9 months ago, through Mom, when I asked her to present her story for my Everyday Inspiration Sunday school. I chose her because she lives and breathes as every day is a blessing and a gift from God. She is funny, tells a great story, loves to talk, is fairly liberal in her thinking, and is a servant. Born Jewish, she learned the New Testament by reading it to her Mother in Law, and was baptized a Christian at the same time as her infant child. Back to Monday. Sylvia had 25 families to feed for Thanksgiving through the food pantry. That meant 25 boxes of mashed potatoes, 25 boxes of stuffing, 25 cans of cranberry relish, 25 loaves of bread, 25 dozen eggs, 25 cans of corn, and so on and so on. Who do you think buys all that food? Shops for that food? Humps that food into the church? Bags that food? Distributes that food? You got it, Sylvia. Audrey and I thought we would help. I shopped with her while Audrey and Sylvia's great granddaughter put out what they already had. Then assembly line style, we put one of each into brown paper bags. While we were working, Sylvia's granddaughter was going in to the hospital for emergency surgery. I heard her speak to her granddaughter and at the end of the conversation, Sylvia said "God Bless You." I have never heard those words uttered with such conviction, so heartfelt, so loving of child and Lord. God Bless You, Sylvia.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Cable out Today
I had this post going through my head all day but the cable has been out, phone out, tv out, computer out. I read instead. This is the best you will get. It's time for bed. See you tomorrow!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
I have so many things running through my head, so many desires, so many aspirations. Currently, I'm looking at going to school. I never went to college. During the college search for Emma, I realized that, while it was not for me then, it is now. I want to attend the local community college, focus on Health and Exercise Science, exercise track. Then again, anything artsy fartsy turns me on, and after a visit to the local Holistic and Therapuetic Health spa, I'm thinking, Hmmm, or is the Om? Oh, and I want to be fluent in Spanish, that's the direction the community I live in is going, along with the shore home. Add to that the fact that I have wanted to compete in a bodybuilding competition since my friend Lisa did, at least 10 years ago, and there just happens to be one in the spring. Oh, don't forget the house on the shore. I want to live there during the summer. Maybe I could work at the local coffee shop, get dreadlocks (yes, they are a desire, too,) and work at the surf shop (no I don't know how to surf, but I'm sure I could learn), or maybe be the umbrella girl at the beach. Let's not forget that I have a puppy and am a clueless operator, so dog obedience and maybe agility is in order. She is a working dog and would love a job. Back to the spa, Yoga would really help me make that mind/body connection and maybe I wouldn't feel like I'm falling apart. After today's sermon, about first fruits, the idea of several years ago came back - teach sewing lessons to women from Prisoner's Aide. Does everyone's mind race like this?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
What's Not to Love?
Amidst staff meetings, kids coming and going, dogs playing, Mom came over bringing subs and her project. We spent a lovely afternoon in the sunroom crocheting, knitting, talking, and dreaming. We don't do this often enough.
A meteor shower tonight, the girls and I planned our hot tub outing, turned out all the lights in the house, but a malfunction in the hot tub and hazy skies foiled our plans. So I knit, listening to Sounds Eclectic on the radio and they watch their favorite episodes of The OC. While we could be together, we are all quite content in our own setting. The only thing missing is the Prince.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Girl's Afternoon

Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's Also the Simple Things
An ordinary Thursday. Numerous phone calls in the morning, classes, home, lunch, laundry and before I know it, it's time to go back to work. I hate these split days. But...I did manage to compile a cycle list on my ipod and attach it to the stereo at work. Woohoo! It worked awesome! I was happy as a clam despite the fact that I looked like a dork, cycle shorts, cycle shirt, white footies, and...red dansko shoes. I totally forgot my athletic shoes. I was not taken seriously for the rest of the night. See what I mean about having my act together? This was only the second time in 3 years though.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
It's the Little Things
Lunch with a new friend, talking knitting, our corners, other interests.
A fire in the wood stove.
A nap, followed by "How was your nap, Mommy?'
A laugh with Audrey
Going to Washboard Abs with Audrey (we are spending more time together which is the BEST)
New ideas
Order in the house
All of this after waking up grouchy and not feeling well, sharing my coffee with Audrey, who has become a coffee drinker in the morning (huge glass over ice!), not having my act together, and truly a bull in a china shop, wondering if I will ever be graceful or have my act together.
A fire in the wood stove.
A nap, followed by "How was your nap, Mommy?'
A laugh with Audrey
Going to Washboard Abs with Audrey (we are spending more time together which is the BEST)
New ideas
Order in the house
All of this after waking up grouchy and not feeling well, sharing my coffee with Audrey, who has become a coffee drinker in the morning (huge glass over ice!), not having my act together, and truly a bull in a china shop, wondering if I will ever be graceful or have my act together.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Little Bit
Monday, November 12, 2007
Can You Say "M! Huh!"?
I subbed for another instructor tonight. It was a kickboxing class. If I were to pick a favorite, this would be it. Faster pace, grunts, groans, loud music, sweat, and of course my loud voice booming above it all. I'm hoarse now from it. It is so worth it. Emma, Audrey, and cousin Lauren came to my class one time (when I was teaching it regularly). Lauren remarked that I must have some anger issues. I told her absolutely not, 'cause I kickbox.
And the other part of my day? Spent peacefully knitting a hat.
And the other part of my day? Spent peacefully knitting a hat.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Knitting Today
I finished this hat for a friend, my masseuse, pilates instructor, and twin cousin, Laura. She admired one I made for myself and continues to comment about it. I used a similar yarn, just a different color. I hope she likes it. I'm thinking about (my doorbell) adding a felted flower, making it a bit over the top.

I'm making a ginormous ball of yarn out of this pile to knit a couple rugs for presents.
I've also started a funky hat.
Audrey is crafting too, despite a low grade fever. I'm so proud of this child, she didn't take a shower and is wearing a bandana. A child after my own heart. :-)
I'm keeping all of this a bit mysterious for there are some that read this and I don't want to give it away.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Internet Finds
Marketplace today was on consumed. Food/trash for thought, literally.
Love reading this guy
Want one of these in my beach house
Going to see this tonight
This is how I found blogs
A lame post, I know. Today was a slow, easy day. Sometimes that's just what is in order. I've starting my Christmas shopping, made Thanksgiving plans, finished knitting a Christmas hat, and am now sitting at my computer, wasting time, drinking a glass of wine, listening to Public radio, with a cute puppy sound asleep beside me.
Love reading this guy
Want one of these in my beach house
Going to see this tonight
This is how I found blogs
A lame post, I know. Today was a slow, easy day. Sometimes that's just what is in order. I've starting my Christmas shopping, made Thanksgiving plans, finished knitting a Christmas hat, and am now sitting at my computer, wasting time, drinking a glass of wine, listening to Public radio, with a cute puppy sound asleep beside me.
Friday, November 09, 2007
S'cuse Me While I Get Sick
Should I vomit because I may have a second home/second mortgage? Or maybe because I let My Handsome Prince put in a contract on a home I've never seen?

My Handsome Prince works on the eastern shore. We have been looking for a house on the shore. It is a huge PIA. When he find one he deems worthy, we must look, for it might get snatched up. We are unsure of what we are looking for or even where to look. The options seem endless. Our vacations have been interrupted by house hunting, I've spent days on the shore and never even seen the water. Sometimes, I get a bit resentful. I have to continuously remind myself that these little sacrafices will find me on the water on a regular basis. I'll be able to take an evening stroll on the beach whenever I want. I dream of a screeend porch, music playing, cocktails, card games and visitors. Don't forget the outside shower. I do enjoy our short trips in the car, though. We converse, I knit or read, we listen to good music or a book on tape, I nap. We talk about the houses we are going to see, our hopes, our plans, our future. I just did not feel like going on this last trip.
Well, he found one. It's in the big town of Dagsboro. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 garages, a pool, and a nice deck. It's bigger than what we live in now. You can see the water tower and walk to here, cool little movie theatre. It is 11 miles from Bethany Beach. Emma already has plans to live and work at the beach this summer. While it does not have a screened in porch or outside shower, it is in town, which I love. I'm a townie. I'm anxious to find the places that the tourists don't know of, to explore the area, to find the Mexican food, to have visitors, and strolls on the beach in off times. Oh, and I also have this book.
Will you promise to come visit?

My Handsome Prince works on the eastern shore. We have been looking for a house on the shore. It is a huge PIA. When he find one he deems worthy, we must look, for it might get snatched up. We are unsure of what we are looking for or even where to look. The options seem endless. Our vacations have been interrupted by house hunting, I've spent days on the shore and never even seen the water. Sometimes, I get a bit resentful. I have to continuously remind myself that these little sacrafices will find me on the water on a regular basis. I'll be able to take an evening stroll on the beach whenever I want. I dream of a screeend porch, music playing, cocktails, card games and visitors. Don't forget the outside shower. I do enjoy our short trips in the car, though. We converse, I knit or read, we listen to good music or a book on tape, I nap. We talk about the houses we are going to see, our hopes, our plans, our future. I just did not feel like going on this last trip.
Well, he found one. It's in the big town of Dagsboro. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 garages, a pool, and a nice deck. It's bigger than what we live in now. You can see the water tower and walk to here, cool little movie theatre. It is 11 miles from Bethany Beach. Emma already has plans to live and work at the beach this summer. While it does not have a screened in porch or outside shower, it is in town, which I love. I'm a townie. I'm anxious to find the places that the tourists don't know of, to explore the area, to find the Mexican food, to have visitors, and strolls on the beach in off times. Oh, and I also have this book.
Will you promise to come visit?
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Keep on the Sunny Side
Always on the sunny side
Keep on the sunny side of life.
Keep on the sunny side of life.
- I found my missing house keys and car keys. I haven't had them since Friday.
- I was finally able to get my truck that we forgot about on Tuesday. We drove almost all the way home before remembering it was in Town.
- My house is so trashed that there is a phone jack that has been messed with and my phone is permanently off the hook until the handsome one comes home. Perfect for taking a nap.
- The spot could be scar tissue or a nodule and the surgeon says wait 3 months.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Dinner with my Family
candy - very pivotal event with Sammajamma
All being silly trying to make a post for tonight. My sister, her children, my father, even Emma came home (she was excited for good food). Dogs (4) wrestling in one room, kids (4 - Emma doesn't count) wrestling in another, adults around the table drinking wine, pork tenderloin, sweet and white potatoes, salad, bread, .Mmmmm.
Did you hear that?
candy - very pivotal event with Sammajamma
All being silly trying to make a post for tonight. My sister, her children, my father, even Emma came home (she was excited for good food). Dogs (4) wrestling in one room, kids (4 - Emma doesn't count) wrestling in another, adults around the table drinking wine, pork tenderloin, sweet and white potatoes, salad, bread, .Mmmmm.
Did you hear that?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Another Day at Hopkins
Today I took the morning off from classes to accompany My Handsome Prince to Johns Hopkins for his quarterly with his Orthopeadic Oncologist. I had waivered on the fence as to whether I should go and decided it was important. My sister quietly asked this morning if he was nervous or was I nervous. That's a difficult question to answer. Yes, that cloud hangs over us continously, yet we are not people who dwell in the negative. We went today to discuss pain and options to control it. He lives with a constant pain in his knee and leg. Reconstruction is not really an option until the pain becomes unbearable. It's not unbearable. He was sent for the chest CT scan, we delayed the time with cappucinos, and then went back to the Dr.'s office. The resident came in, said scans were in and they would discuss them, then talk with us. I could tell. There is a look in the eyes. Another nodule in his lung. Upon hearing the news, MHP asked "Will I be doing this the rest of my life?" Another difficult question without an answer.
Monday, November 05, 2007
My new T shirt

Sunday, November 04, 2007
Be The Change
This morning I woke about a half hour before the rest of the house had to get up. I got my coffee, took the dogs out, checked my email, and a couple blogs. Very peaceful. I had not done that in a while, risen before anyone else. I woke My Handsome Prince and he announced that we had to change the clocks tonight. That was when I realized I awoke and HOUR and half before anyone else had to. Of course, the clocks were to be set back at 2am this morning. It made for a leisurely morning.
That gave me time to think. Today I had to get to church a half hour before it started to get guidance as a deacon and special circumstances, which I really did not receive. Then was supposed to stay for a congregational meeting, lunch, and the band playing, which I did not stay for. Then required to go back for youth activities at 5pm. All of this along with the fact that we live 35 miles, 45 minutes to an hour, from church. Along with the fact that I've been asked 3 weeks in a row to bring food for some social event and last year we struggled to feed a homeless shelter once a week. Along with the fact that I never speak to anyone at church during the week, only on Sunday. No one calls to just to say hello, it's only when they want something. I started to complain and realized I was just as bad. I only helped with the homeless shelter once last year, I never contribute to the Thanksgiving dinner for shut ins. And I never call anyone just to say hi. So to see a change I'm going to be a change. I will send a card this week to someone and make a call just to say hello to one of our family friends. I will see what they need for the Thanksgiving dinner both here and at Mom's church where she works. I will look for other avenues to make that effort rather than getting mad at the situation. Be the change.
That gave me time to think. Today I had to get to church a half hour before it started to get guidance as a deacon and special circumstances, which I really did not receive. Then was supposed to stay for a congregational meeting, lunch, and the band playing, which I did not stay for. Then required to go back for youth activities at 5pm. All of this along with the fact that we live 35 miles, 45 minutes to an hour, from church. Along with the fact that I've been asked 3 weeks in a row to bring food for some social event and last year we struggled to feed a homeless shelter once a week. Along with the fact that I never speak to anyone at church during the week, only on Sunday. No one calls to just to say hello, it's only when they want something. I started to complain and realized I was just as bad. I only helped with the homeless shelter once last year, I never contribute to the Thanksgiving dinner for shut ins. And I never call anyone just to say hi. So to see a change I'm going to be a change. I will send a card this week to someone and make a call just to say hello to one of our family friends. I will see what they need for the Thanksgiving dinner both here and at Mom's church where she works. I will look for other avenues to make that effort rather than getting mad at the situation. Be the change.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
An Extraordinary Saturday
Breakfast at Dutch Corner - doesn't that just reek of local
Afternoon at Mom's - cleaning a bit while she and Audrey baked a cake
Shopping with both my girls - We all have a love/hate relationship with Anthropologie
Maybe a movie tonight.
All ordinary Saturday doings but with no real commitments, each done at leisure, they were extraordinary.
Afternoon at Mom's - cleaning a bit while she and Audrey baked a cake
Shopping with both my girls - We all have a love/hate relationship with Anthropologie
Maybe a movie tonight.
All ordinary Saturday doings but with no real commitments, each done at leisure, they were extraordinary.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Little Steps
I'm not sure exactly how I landed in this funk I'm in, but it has gone on long enough. It seemed as if I was just going through the motions, not really enjoying the process. I'd wake up in the morning and think oh, class again, papers again, puppy again, dishes, laundry, etc...
I know what needs to be done and I'm taking the little steps to get there. Today started with a short soak in the hot tub, the sun just starting to rise over the trees, a lovely fall morning. I taught classes with a bit more energy. Then I had a massage. Oh, how I love thee, Laura. A tiny, cute thing, wonderful physique, amazing strength. She moves me in directions that don't seem possible, presses her fingers so hard into knots that it sends chills down my spine, and it feels wonderful. She talks music, plays music, laughs, tells stories, and I don't mind. She's my younger twin, a bit over the top, curly hair, loud, loves Danskos and Ozomatli. The girls thinks she looks like me from behind. One day a few weeks ago, in that stupid funk, I put on regular exercise gear, even kind of crummy, then changed my mind. I literally said to myself, "I want to look cute, just like Laura". I ended up seeing her later in the day and we were wearing the same shirt. Great minds think alike.
A massage is the most self indulgent thing I can think of and I already have next month's scheduled.
I know what needs to be done and I'm taking the little steps to get there. Today started with a short soak in the hot tub, the sun just starting to rise over the trees, a lovely fall morning. I taught classes with a bit more energy. Then I had a massage. Oh, how I love thee, Laura. A tiny, cute thing, wonderful physique, amazing strength. She moves me in directions that don't seem possible, presses her fingers so hard into knots that it sends chills down my spine, and it feels wonderful. She talks music, plays music, laughs, tells stories, and I don't mind. She's my younger twin, a bit over the top, curly hair, loud, loves Danskos and Ozomatli. The girls thinks she looks like me from behind. One day a few weeks ago, in that stupid funk, I put on regular exercise gear, even kind of crummy, then changed my mind. I literally said to myself, "I want to look cute, just like Laura". I ended up seeing her later in the day and we were wearing the same shirt. Great minds think alike.
A massage is the most self indulgent thing I can think of and I already have next month's scheduled.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
7 Random Things
This is the latest internet meme sweeping the blogs. Although a bit late in fashion (not unusual) I am participating, but not in the typical manner (again, not unusual). Rather than list 7 random things about myself I will list 7 random things I've done since my last post. So, in no particular order, 7 things, accomplishments, experiences, etc.

1. Joined NaBloPoMo, which is National Blog Posting Month. I have not been motivated to post, to sew, to read, really, to do anything lately, so this is my motivation, my inspiration to change my habits and move onward.
2. Walked with a record breaking 9 dogs! Yes, 9! This class is so much fun!

3. Hung out at the local Barber shop while My Handsome Prince waited, then received his haircut. This Barber Shop is complete with a spinning pole and chairs that the Barber himself, remembers sitting in as a child. I learned that men love scoop.
4. Camped in the rain (again) for Halloween. Ate massive amounts of food, drank beer, had a great time. Watch out for these vampires, though.
5. Participated in the Fall Swap and received some wonderful goodies from Calico Daisy. Since she already took a photo, I'll let you go there to see what she sent me. Plus I'm already using the towels and one is dirty. I just love them! Her package is going out tomorrow. I'm always sending on the deadline.
6. Went to the Autumn Wine Festival on the Eastern Shore. Here we are, just the two of us.
7. Made a cement trough planter. We used only one mold and built on the inside of it. I'd love to make more but that would require a 90lb. bag of Portland cement.
8. Had an absolutely body and soul satisfying lunch with a friend. We had lunch delivered from here. (They deliver to the Y too, I had dinner delivered twice) We ate wonderful food, a bit of chocolate, and a cup of coffee. I felt comfortable in her beautiful home. It was just perfect.
Okay, so I posted 8 Random things. I'm sure I could come up with a few more. Blogging everyday would prevent this, wouldn't it?
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