Friday, November 02, 2007

Little Steps

I'm not sure exactly how I landed in this funk I'm in, but it has gone on long enough. It seemed as if I was just going through the motions, not really enjoying the process. I'd wake up in the morning and think oh, class again, papers again, puppy again, dishes, laundry, etc...
I know what needs to be done and I'm taking the little steps to get there. Today started with a short soak in the hot tub, the sun just starting to rise over the trees, a lovely fall morning. I taught classes with a bit more energy. Then I had a massage. Oh, how I love thee, Laura. A tiny, cute thing, wonderful physique, amazing strength. She moves me in directions that don't seem possible, presses her fingers so hard into knots that it sends chills down my spine, and it feels wonderful. She talks music, plays music, laughs, tells stories, and I don't mind. She's my younger twin, a bit over the top, curly hair, loud, loves Danskos and Ozomatli. The girls thinks she looks like me from behind. One day a few weeks ago, in that stupid funk, I put on regular exercise gear, even kind of crummy, then changed my mind. I literally said to myself, "I want to look cute, just like Laura". I ended up seeing her later in the day and we were wearing the same shirt. Great minds think alike.

A massage is the most self indulgent thing I can think of and I already have next month's scheduled.


Texan said...

Those slumps see to get us all at one time or another, but it sounds like you are getting on top of it! Good for you!

I have never had a message, but they do sound very nice :O).

Runner Gurl said...

A massage... cute exercise clothes... a soak in a hot tub...

Sounds like you are on track, biker gurl....

"doing the next right thing".

; )